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With the passing of ages, a once unified realm lays divided, both geographically and politically. As the chroniclers have written, time has brought a schism to Astera and separated its singular landmass into a scattered array of continents and subcontinents. In the time before history, it is said that our people prospered and a great civilisation spanned to all reaches of the land. With time, the land began to shatter and separate, narrowing our access, until it was completely cut off. In isolation we drew inward, a necessary price to ensure the stability and survival of our kind through the support of each other, adapting and evolving to better sustain ourselves in our segregated nations. It is not known what our original form was, that has been long lost to time. Elves would have us believe they are the truest descendents of our ancestors, even "unchanged" through the ages, but in my experience most species hold such aspirations.   At the time of scribing, this fourth era under the light of Deneir, our established nations stand risen. No longer united, but hardened against the wilderness that has resurged in our absence, and resolute in our unique identities.

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