Astrid O'Malley Character in Asteria | World Anvil

Astrid O'Malley

Darlin, you’re gonna want to be more careful with that powder keg.
The deckhand looks up at the woman in shock, her lit cigarette hanging dangerously close to the keg in her hands. The woman did not seem to be worried, dead focused on him instead.
Put that right here. Real close. Perfect.
She places her keg next to his, taking a step back and reaching for a large net. The two lash the net around the stacked kegs, tying them to the wall.
You may make a fine artillerist yet my dear. Now run along and tell old Tazzy that we are accounted for and ready to shove off.
The deckhand nods, taking off towards the stairs at a jog. As he walks through the door a young girl walks into the powder room. She looks up nervously asking the woman’s name.
Well I’m Astrid darlin, you must be new around here. I make sure everything in this room doesn’t explode and take the Indomitable to the bottom of the sea. They call the job Artillerist but I think that sounds a bit grand for what I do.
Astrid gingerly shakes the recruit’s hand, learning that the girl has been assigned to her.
Well isn’t that peachy. You’ll like this job, especially if you’ve got a bit of pyrotechnic in you. I’ll give you the tour Tazzy is afraid to. Come along.
Swinging an arm around the girl Astrid walks off smiling as she takes her through the powder room.
Current Location
The Indomitable


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