
Ataraxis is a religious country situated in the northern reaches of the Farath Strait . The country became independent after the Heart Wars split the Holy Republic of Oshiva into two new countries, New Oshiva and Ataraxis. The country was formed under the ideals of General-Prophet Baelon Atarax , whose preachings became the spark that started the civil war.
Atarax’s ideals were centered around the worship of Augrima , and her ideals of balance and respect for nature. These preachings were collected into a volume, called the Words of Augrima , and much of the country’s function centers around the book’s ideals. Of note from the text is the idea of a push-pull relationship that keeps the world in balance, and a respect for nature and all of its flora and fauna.
The country is ruled Atarax, and every government organization is an extension of his control. The Holy Courts of Ataraxis , whose judges are made up of followers of the Words of Augrima, are the judicial arm of the government. While Atarax is not a part of the judges, any of their decisions he deems go against the Words of Augrima are vetoed.
Law enforcement is controlled by the Justices of Augrima , which is made up of ranks of priests and clerics. The lower ranks are stationed permanently in cities as guards, dealing with the day to day enforcement of law. The upper ranks wander the country between settlements, and are used to give out sentences for crimes committed. If a crime is extreme enough, the perpetrator is taken in front of the Holy Courts for judgment. Smaller sentences are given out by the upper rank Justices.
Due to their respect for nature, living off the land is a central ideal. Food and drink are made with every available ingredient, and nothing is put to waste. This focus on agriculture helps drive the many breweries and distilleries across the country. Many of the larger companies, like Threepence Brewery, export their goods across all of Ilucin, and you can find at least one Ataraxis brew in every local tavern.
Geopolitical, Theocracy


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