Ciala Hanali Character in Asteria | World Anvil

Ciala Hanali

Sergeant Ciala Hanali

The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is the duty of the living to do so for them.
  A driven and inspiring leader, Ciala Hanali served with distinction during the Invasion of Varga. A native of the city of Naeron, Hanali was personally affected by the devastation of war. She was able to make her soldiers feel her pain and her grief; The fire within her lit fires within the hearts of her soldiers, and they followed her unquestioningly into Hell.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A member of wealthy banking family Ciala Hanali was given every possible opportunity early in life, and excelled at most of them. Hanali spent most of her early life learning the family business but decided to forge a different path in life. In 1070 Hanali enrolled in the military academy in Alba Regia, graduating as a Junior Lieutenant in 1072. When Croemerth invaded Varga in 1073, Ciala Hanali specifically requested a transfer to the front, taking a demotion to a non-commissioned position in the process. She served as a sergeant with the Vargan Reconnaissance Company until her court martial and dishonorable discharge after the Fourth Battle of Paçan River in 1077.


Graduated 2nd in her class at the military academy in Alba Regia
Current Location
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1008 ACE 72 Years old
Electric green eyes
Straight red hair


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