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Reidoth the Druid

Reidoth originally lives in Phandalin these days, but he spend shis days in the ruins of Thundertree. In reality he is looking into a cult that has taken residence there after a dragon made his lair in the ruined tower. Our party succeeded in removing the dragon, so he hopes now the cult will disband or at least, disappear and balance will return.
He is an agent of The Emerald Enclave.
Adept at staying away from ash zombies and mutated plants. Knows of dangerous spiders lurking in the ruins at the base of the hill.
Reidoth is a gaunt looking man with a long white beard. A grumpy human druid that is a man opf few words that prefers animals over the more talkative and destructive creatures. However, is reasonably hospitable and helps our party with directions and a promise to guide them to Wave Echo Cave should they need it. Very happy with the removal of Venomfang. All he wants to protect the natural order of things, whatever that may be.


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