Yi the Samurai Character in Asterra | World Anvil
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Yi the Samurai


Yi was born in Kyushu to two Vanaran scholars who expected the same of their son. Yi ,however, always dreamed of being a Samurai. He wished to be recognized by the Daimyo himself as the most Honorable Samurai in all of Rokugan. So when Yi came of age he set out from home and began training to be a Samurai despite his family's objections. After much travel and experience, Yi eventually found a master who would train him. It took some convincing due to the fact that Vanarans were not usually made into Samurai. During his training, Yi almost got sent away after one of his tricks cost a fellow trainee his foot, ending the young disciple's dreams before they could ever be realized. Yi begged for forgiveness, and only after giving up his playful Vanaran habits would he be forgiven. To this day Yi has refused to play tricks on another person. While Yi had begun to enjoy his training to be a samurai, he had begun to miss his parents and often wondered if he disappointed them for the path he chose. After becoming a full fledged Samurai and becoming retainer to the Sugikawa family in Kyushu he swore to return to his family after the war was over, hoping they would welcome him back home with open arms.


Hobbies & Pets

Hecarim, his horse and steed.
Year of Birth
1205 IE -629 Years old
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: by N/A


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Aug 21, 2018 00:32

What a great guy!!