"Sister Ash"

Sister "Sister Ash" (a.k.a. Ash)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender but matronly.

Body Features

Sister has a snowy white coat, extra soft.
Her mane is a cascade of smimmering golden wool, thick, full, and swirly.
Slivery laqured metallic scales run down her back. Her dainty cloven hooves are a similar color.

Facial Features

Sister has a pair of bright violet eyes that shine like amethysts. They complement her golden hair. They're usually the first thing you'll notice about her, since she keeps everything else hidden under her shawl.

Identifying Characteristics

White-and-gold, amethyst eyes. Usually seen wearing a nun's habit.
Sister's uncovered appearance is very distinctive, almost regal. It's for this reason that she prefers to stay covered up.

Physical quirks

Her time in the forrest has caused her to develop a rather unusual "blessing": vines of golden mistletoe sprout out of her mane almost every day, causing it to tangle if she doesn't take care to remove it.

Special abilities

In addition to being a dedicated healer, Sister Ash is also a powerful Druid with dominion over fire.

Apparel & Accessories

Sister is usually seen wearing a nun's habit, usually black. She prefers to travel lightly otherwise.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Feminine. Sister Ash is female.


Chaste. Sister, in her devotion to asceticism, does not distract or indulge herself in sexual relations.
Sometimes she dreams of having her own children though...


Sister joined the Bannermanes decades ago, but it's been a long time since she's been on a mission.
She currently works as wandering equinitarian, helping ponies and other creatures wherever she goes, feeding the poor, tending to the ill, giving sight to the blind, and helping the needy however she can wherever she is.

Mental Trauma

Decades ago, Sister Ash in her youth had a certain falling out with her old family, after which her father deemed her 'unfit' to be married off, and sent her away to live in a monastery in the mountains. She hasn't been to Scaletip ever since...

Morality & Philosophy

Sister Ash is devoted in the virtues of the ascetic lifestyle, living a life of charity, service and self-denial.
Sister believes that ponies would be happier if they rejected the material desires of modern society and lived closer to nature.

Shepherd of the Blessed Fields White-and-Gold/Black-and-Blue Kirin Nun Freelancing Druid who thinks she's a Cleric

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
148 years old
Amethyst Violet
Long, Golden, Wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snowy White Coat; Silvery Metallic Scales