A Pimp Named Buckback

A Pimp Named Buckback is the kingpin of several criminal organizations. He is based in Dakalai, and seeks to grow his criminal empire to the furthest reaches of Astillion  


  A Pimp Named Buckback is impatient and crass, but also charismatic and intelligent. He has no qualms performing excessively cruel acts, but only when deemed necessary to preserve his power.   A Pimp Named Buckback is diligent to always be addressed as "A Pimp Named Buckback", instead of any shortened versions like "Buckback". He is so serious about this that he will threaten to kill anyone who fragrantly disobeys an order to use his full name.  

Motivations and Philosophy

A Pimp Named Buckback is lawful evil. He is highly focused on preserving the sanctity and smooth operations of his business. He will never interfere with good characters as long as they do not present a threat to his operations.   He is also keen to preserve a good public image and seems to have a loose kind of personal code. A Pimp Named Buckback has stated that he is willing to spend a fortune to build orphanages for the children of citizens who may die thanks to his business, even if those orphans eventually grow up to hate him.  


A Pimp Named Buckback is a highly talented and dangerous gunslinger. His sidearm, an adamantine gun cane he calls Cold Bitch, was able to kill four kobalds at once.  


A Pimp Named Buckback has 5 female lieutenants he refers to as "Hoes".

Lieutenant Descriptions

  • Number 1: Clarity, a changeling, Druid
  • Number 2: Clarity's Sister (Name unknown), a changeling
  • Number 3: Jinx, A Kirin, Sister of Misty, Cleric of Kara
  • Number 4: Misty, A Kirin, Sister of Jinx, Cleric of Kara
  • Number 5: Unknown
Jinx and Misty, A Pimp Named Buckback's "Number 3" and "Number 4"
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Mid 30s
Circumstances of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey feathers with Dark Red Eye Markings