Buckback Missing?!

On the clock here 24/7 here at the Triple, we've been on the case about the well known persona and Casino owner by the name of Buckback. Last seen at the Revenge of the Roc, it would seem that is where a scene of his disappearance resides. Details are still flying about about theories of his disappearance. Was it a jealous ex? A pony who had lost it all? Buckback himself isn't one to make enemies, and we at the 7 are committed to finding out these answers as they come within the hours! Any information as to his location or any other clues can be reported to The Bannermanes, or the guards overseeing the investigation. Stay tuned, and as always, stay tuned, stay safe, and bet carefully.   ~Winning Line  

News article subcategory about the Dock 9 investigation below

  Dock 9 Investigation   You'd think a dock would be subject to a crew of dockworkers, but as of our last article, it seems as if the dock is subject to a new type of crew; that of a crew of investigators. Guards and other top-level investigators have flooded the scene, attempting their best in both finding clues, and piecing together the events that lead to the sunken ship over the Final's Day weekend. We have reached out to one of the best for comment, though, unfortunately, a Noir Et Blanc was unavailable for words, simply refusing an interview on the basis of his contract with "The Flat Truth" news article. All we can tell you here is that a body was found, stabbed in the harbor, and the boat of Black Cat's that were found unconscious near the scene at sea were taken in for questioning. We are likely to emerge with answers within the next day or so. In the meantime, our informants will be keeping a hawks eye on all the folks who come in and out of that station to deliver the most accurate news.   ~Winning Line
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