Cher Nobyl

Cher Nobyl (a.k.a. Bread Breaker)

I’m not a good pony… I never wanted to be. Thinking on it for a few moments, I don’t even think it exists. Ponies by nature are cruel creatures, self-centered and arrogant. From the day I was born. My life was traded between ponies for one thing or another. My mother a whore, had me for the satisfaction of noble scientists. Trading me for copers and silvers, as if I was simply another used good, she was getting rid of. The so-called scientist experimented on me relentlessly. It amounted to painful tests and needlessly painful contraptions. When it became apparent whatever they were looking for, if they were ever actually looking for something, wasn’t there. I was sold again to slavers. I toiled in mines, trying to survive. Between the dust and back-shattering work, I knew none of us were likely to survive long. Every day I saw ponies around me collapse in the mines as guards whipped the lifeless corpses, demanding they worked more. Their battered corpses were thrown in long ditches and burned to remove the clutter. That smell. That awful smell. The burning of their flesh and fur, as their diseased bodies burned and turned to ash. It will always stay with me. The treatment of the guards was abhorrent, the lack of care at which they handled the slaves was beyond cruel. Even in death, you received no rest. But they had a reason. They didn’t respect us. We weren’t ponies to them; we were tools. You don’t ask a hammer if it’s tired. You don’t bury a hammer and you don’t keep a broken hammer. It’s replaced, discarded and the next one is used until it breaks, and splinters. The unforgivable actions were from the other slaves. We had little free time, and yet during it they chose to torment me, to beat me to use me as their plaything. I was the only child but mercy was never a thought on their minds. They took the frustrations they had out on me. The mares simply let it happen. If they took their anger out on me, it meant they would be spared at least for that moment. I stopped fighting back. When they beat me, I wouldn’t react. When they raped me, I wouldn’t scream. I had no tears to give them. Not to deprive them their satisfaction of my squirming. I was never so brave or bold for that. But because such treatment was expected to me. How can I be sad when I never knew happiness? How could my life be a nightmare when I never dreamed?   I assumed this was life, I wasn’t content, I wasn’t happy I simply existed. There was some sense of sadness or dread that I was wrapped in. The cycle continued until the slaves finally rebelled. A preacher giving them the courage to overthrow their masters, was brought in as a worker. They attacked the guards ruthlessly with whatever tools they had. Gunfire and the clashing of blade against flesh rung out in all directions. Eventually, the slaves with overwhelming numbers took over the caves. They castrated the masters and crucified them on shabby crosses. They took over the mines, but they were no different. They tried to run the mines but when all you know is torture, you’re incapable of compassion. Eventually, the slaves all left the mines to wander aimlessly. I simply followed the largest group. I had no real reason; I was a doll. I had no desires of my own. Slave? Free? It didn’t matter. I had no will to do anything. The abuse continued, the mares the stallions. They would beat constantly; I was an easy target the weakest of the group who didn’t fight back. The group scrounge for whatever food they could find. Begging traveling merchants when we were lucky enough to find them. We had no skills other than to mine. We couldn’t read or write. We barely knew the outside world. Why didn’t know bandit areas or where the bustling cities were. So of course, we didn’t know the warning signs. We had begun to find scatterings of gold and gems in a mountainous area. People fought over it, going higher and higher up the mountain. Killing one another for flecks of stone or jewelry. I simply stood and watched as they finished the job the slavers started. All for the same reason. Money. I watched a mare impale another’s throat with her horn over a necklace. She fell towards me, clinging on to me as she stained my coat with her blood. I didn’t move, I barely even blinked. I felt nothing as she bled on me, eventually collapsing and slumping against me. Eventually, the group went higher and higher up the mountain. The temperature dropped dramatically becoming icy and chilled. Ponies stopped fighting each other, quickly losing the energy to do so, as the cold zapped their strength. Their greed compelled them to continue moving no matter how much their bones ached or their skin stuck to the snow. When we reached the peak. We could see it. Smoke billowing from a golden cave. Gems and treasures beyond one’s wildest dreams lined the walls. The cold was caused by the thick smoke pouring out, blotting the sun out. But the slaves paid no mind. They never owned anything in their lives, and now riches that would make gods jealous laid before them. They rushed forward, only to be pushed back by a chilling gust of wind. A dragon, red like the blood coating my body stepped forth. Impossibly large with claws the size of swords crawled out. The smoke still pouring from its snout. The group froze. From cold and from fear. They huddled together in a pho display of solidarity. It didn’t take a genius to understand that there was no running or bargaining to be had here. There was only death that awaited us. The dragon perhaps respected this? He granted us what seemed a quick death. He inhaled and blew a great plume of flames into the mass of ponies. As the flames neared us warming my chilled body, I smiled for the first time as I closed my eyes. I smiled at the end to the pain, at an end to the suffering. But life wouldn’t grant me even death. I opened my eyes slowly, only to see pony statues made of ash where the group used to be. A scotch mark surrounding every spot but where I stood. I looked up at the massive figure, a single tear was all I could muster as it froze on my face. I screamed with my hoarse choked voice, why? Why had he not taken my life? Had I not earned my rest? Was there yet more this world wanted from me? He simply laughed and spoke in a foreign tongue. In a disorienting gurgle and yet I could understand him. He told me if I wanted to die so badly, I could always just jump from here. I thought about it, it wouldn’t be the first time I tried to kill myself, but I was never successful. I would injure myself but I never died. I stared at the edge of the mountain, it was high, it wouldn’t be a quick death. But compared to the alternative it was preferable. I took a step towards the edge closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I steeled myself but quickly fell back the moment I open my eyes. How high had we climbed? It felt as though we were miles above even the clouds. The dragon laughed once more at my pitiful attempt at defying my destiny. “Child this life only has pain for you, there is no escape from it. I can sense it. The misery the hatred. It burns deep in you. Why hide it? Why pretend you do not feel it?” He flicked flames from his mouth melting the ice forming on his maw. “You have been granted great and terrible purpose child.” He roared in a low storming voice, pointing a massive claw to me. I had gained my cutiemark sometime during the encounter. A black flame. He continued his speech, billowing smoke with each word. “Your pain will be eternal child; death shall not grant you peace. Even in it you will seek to spread your misery and woe.” He began pacing, each clawed step sounded like a thunderous boom. “Not with just one creature but with all creatures. Its not enough for some to suffer. You must make them all meet their end. You may think it evil. But I have lived countless lifetimes child. I can assure you there is no such thing. This is your destiny. Hide amongst them put on your mask, and work towards your goals. You are weak child but your mission is beyond the needs of strength. I give you no gifts, but tools. Your life. Go forth and devastate this world. Or find the end you so desire trying. I care not for which comes first.” He raised a massive claw once more reaching out to me and touching my forehead. The world went dark. It was only me and him, no mountain no cold no ash. All for a split second and then suddenly… I was in a forest once more. No mountain in sight. No slaves no masters. Just me. I simply smiled to myself. Pain would indeed be what I spread, and once everyone suffered. I could finally die happily. When the world laid still and silent, I could be at peace. I will extinguish every light, every source of joy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender, with a toned athletic build. While looking quite feminine don't underestimate her, as under her coat is nothing but well-distributed muscles for someone so small.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

This pony while aiming to do well overall is stubborn and hard-headed. While not evil she does not value the individual over the group and will gladly sacrifice her self and hundreds of others to save the larger group. She views the nature of bartering for goods and services needed to survive as a sin, and those who partake in it for wealth as a sinner that history will forget. She does not respect other nations while being open to all races, those not part of her group, are against it. And when the time comes to overthrow the oppression set upon her and others by those who seek to benefits from the week and less fortunate. The ones who did nothing will be as guilty as the ones who took the most advantage.

Gender Identity





non formally educated. Has been tutored by various philosophers of the frozen north. While not fully agreeing with their passive methodology, she takes what they say as a whole as being good.


is only employed through bannerman. While despising the horrible use of resources of powerful creatures, for such meaningless tasks. she can not in good conscious not to serve the society in some way. She does not have any other employment and a majority of her clothing and supplies were given to her from others.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has successfully led to the ending enforced servitude of the mines, help freed the people who were enslaved with her.

Mental Trauma

Being a slave she was forced to work long hours doing extremely dangerous work. She doesn't enjoy small spaces, as it reminds her of the mines.

Intellectual Characteristics

Exceptionally smart, far more so than the average person. However, her intelligence is not in mathematics or physics but that of magic and critical thinking.

A mare who plants seeds for trees, she'll never be able to rest in the shade of.

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Date of Birth
19th of brightmoon
Royal Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation