Chuggie Jug

Chuggie Jug

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Chuggie Jug is a young-ish spry pegasus mare with a somewhat dishelved mauve coat covered by a bunch of old, tattered white and brown rags and a misty lime mane and tail. Hiding under her wings was her lightweight pouch as well as a bunch of stuff spread haphazardly around her sides. The most distinguishable item, however, would be the generously-sized metallic canteen hanging from her neck with a Cool S boldly imprinted on both sides.
  If properly undressed, any would find her cutiemark baring a wooden bar mug threatening to tumble out of a table, its contents teetering on the brink between its container and whatever floor awaited its fall.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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Pre-amnesiac Backstory
  Ulnar was hatched in yet another batch of indistinct, chitinous, hole ridden insect equines expressly bred to carry out infiltration operations. Heart, her prestigious, calculating and asuste queen, specifically assigned her to spy on Bannermanes activity as an inside agent in her continuous, meticulous study of the world outside the Aorta and Vena islands to wring out any possible variables stopping her from achieving her grand goal of securely sustaining her ever-growing hive by any means necessary.
  The Brains taught her the bare essential knowledge to both understand the general rules of the outside world and ensure the best possible initiate position to the point where she could perfectly recite the words necessary to guarantee the critical success to rise up the ranks, the Nerves took charge in training her for deceptive, rouge-ish tactics to eliminate threats and slip past common security measures, the Intestines revealed common equine survival tactics and diet to keep up appearances and the Lymphs inculcated her first aid procedures in the offchance she is wounded as well as gain the trust of her would-be adventuring assets. All that was left was execute the first step in the year-spanning plot to become one of Heart's eyes and ears in the prominent faction.
  With a suitable starting gear for any professed adventurer, she head off to scout out potential recruitment centers, aiming to make her queen proud.

  Chuggie Jug's first ever memory she can properly recall is waking up in an nondescript alleyway with her clothing tattered and a little canteen with a cool S emblem hanging from her neck. There were brief glimpses leading up to it: A crowd of creatures cheering her on, drunkenly dancing on a wooden table, her exposed hoof playfully booping a handsome stallion's snout as giggling echoed in the background, promises of adventure from an unrecognizable voice. She couldn't quite piece together what they meant as her mind softly ached, but she wondered one thing most of all: How could she properly replicate the seeming high from what happened yesterday?
  Those brief spurs of emotional memories made her muscles loosen and her heart flutter, as if the mere thought reinvigorated her. Despite the odd circumstances, she had to find a way to replicate it! Surely whoever promises adventure would also feed her heart with such a high! She must seek one of those merry bands at the earliest!
  It wouldn't be long in her search for hedonism that she'd acquire the nickname 'Chuggie Jug' by the first band of merry mares tough enough to seem adventurous, always spending her gold on buying drinks to fill up her neck canteen and drink the rest.


For a drunkard, she's awfully proficient at lockpicking, sneaking about, medicine and surviving in the wilderness. Unfortunately, she couldn't tell you from where she knows it even if you'd give her the bar's entire stock.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Chugging an entire barrel of cider without breaks

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Vomiting in an alleyway after chugging an entire barrel of cider

Personality Characteristics


She seeks the same rush and vibes that her vague memory professed it felt, beckoning her to recreate it for as long as she can. Friendships are also a nice bonus objective to attain as well.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Friends

  • Liquor

  • Happiness


  • Enemies

  • Bouncers

  • Unhappiness


Albeit she may forget to do so in the thrill seeking hobby, Chuggie likes to keep herself clean enough not to stink up the place. Grooming is definitely out of her league save for playing a character.


Family Ties

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- Heart

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- The Vasculars

Social Aptitude

Despite her blumbering appearance, she can read the room and act appropriately if the situation calls for it. That doesn't mean she won't try to lighten the mood if she can get away with it.


As expected, her speech patterns become more slurred as she drinks more but it usually passes if she sobers up for the expected amount of time.

Carefree, jovial young pegasus mare ready to embark fun adventures, drink booze and enjoy life to the fullest

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Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
3' 3''
Quotes & Catchphrases
*chugs liquor*