Cool Esper

Cool Esper

It all started on his 10th birthday when he was having his party with all of his friends and family. Cool Esper made a birthday wish in the moment that he'd never want to be alone and be surrounded by all of his loved ones. Later that night (Or more like the next day), he started hearing voices around him, there is a strange but yet familiar feel to the presence that was around him. It was until one of his ancestors told him that all because of his birthday wish, all the previous lives of his family that came before can now roam the realm of the living through him. "You're an oracle now! Imagine all the history books and knowledge you can share to the world with your gift!" It seemed fun at first, and he was getting some attention, but it was becoming more of a curse than a blessing. They never seem to really go away and there seems to be some bad blood across the family. The birthday wish is starting to look more like a wish from a monkey's paw, the constant bickering and lack of privacy. The back seating and the gaslighting, it just won't stop. All the voices surrounding him and there always seems to be new people flooding in, makes Cool Esper question at what point does somebody count as family? How loose is the term, where do all these ponies come from?! Are they blood related?? Cursed with the Ancestry ability and what lack of knowledge the rest of the pony population has on it, Cool Esper is ostracized by his community and even his own current family, bringing up ancient grudges and criticisms of members before them. "Alone" with his new family, tries to find peace and something to preoccupy his mind away until one day, he has a thought of maybe joining the bannermanes. He does have a "gift" (if you can even call it that) to offer and share to the world that no other pony has even seen or experienced. Cool Esper really thinks that he can bring something of use once again just like back in his childhood. But wouldn't you have it, the ghosts of his ancestors cagged the interview for him, and is now his journey of being a shortstraw begins.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A physically fit horse with a nice wingspan for flying. pretty much the same physique as a default stallion found in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan artwork or official artwork.

Body Features

Red pegasus with 2 wings, 4 legs, 4 hooves, tail, a stylish mane, muzzle, earsies, and 2 eyes.

Facial Features

There are noticable bags or stress marks under his eyes due to his waning sanity and tiredness. Also if you look closely in his eyes, it may seem like something from an anime with eye powers and you may be right. Oracles develop unique eye patterns in their iris depending on which power they have. They say that oracles with the fire curse have literal fire in their eyes. The Ancestry oracle has the Manji symbols in their eyes

Identifying Characteristics

That goddamn dreamboat triston special haircut that only a whole 4 bits of gold can afford. There is the look in his eyes and the Manji's IN his eyes aswell. Oh, and he has a Cool S necklace around his neck.

Physical quirks

Everytime there is a fine lookin' mare that crosses his sight, he might get a bit excited and flare up his wings. It is coloqually known as a "wing-boner". If the mare is The Hotness, he may start drooling and have his eyes glued onto that piece. mesmerized by mare, all sound and yelling of old ghosts cease to the background.

Special abilities

I am the Oracle of Ancestry, with my ability, I am able to converse with those that have come before me and either head or ignore their advice. It may look like I'm schizo, but I can assure you I am not crazy. I'm NOT!

Apparel & Accessories

Cool S necklace. Yeah baby.

Specialized Equipment

I have an eye for mares.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It all started on his 10th birthday when he was having his party with all of his friends and family. Cool Esper made a birthday wish in the moment that he'd never want to be alone and be surrounded by all of his loved ones. Later that night (Or more like the next day), he started hearing voices around him, there is a strange but yet familiar feel to the presence that was around him. It was until one of his ancestors told him that all because of his birthday wish, all the previous lives of his family that came before can now roam the realm of the living through him. "You're an oracle now! Imagine all the history books and knowledge you can share to the world with your gift!" It seemed fun at first, and he was getting some attention, but it was becoming more of a curse than a blessing. They never seem to really go away and there seems to be some bad blood across the family. The birthday wish is starting to look more like a wish from a monkey's paw, the constant bickering and lack of privacy. The back seating and the gaslighting, it just won't stop. All the voices surrounding him and there always seems to be new people flooding in, makes Cool Esper question at what point does somebody count as family? How loose is the term, where do all these ponies come from?! Are they blood related?? Cursed with the Ancestry ability and what lack of knowledge the rest of the pony population has on it, Cool Esper is ostracized by his community and even his own current family, bringing up ancient grudges and criticisms of members before them. "Alone" with his new family, tries to find peace and something to preoccupy his mind away until one day, he has a thought of maybe joining the bannermanes. He does have a "gift" (if you can even call it that) to offer and share to the world that no other pony has even seen or experienced. Cool Esper really thinks that he can bring something of use once again just like back in his childhood. But wouldn't you have it, the ghosts of his ancestors cagged the interview for him, and is now his journey of being a shortstraw begins.

Gender Identity

Male stallion


Straight, I like the big mare and the big booba. If there's a big plot, I'd take that too.


I passed all my college thanks to my previous in-laws taking the courses and they gave me all the answers. I also have a huge history record of many major and personal events of Sneedley's universe. However this history is by word of mouth and memory, nothing really written down, so the details are vague??? It's like that one snake in Adventure Time where he knows almost everything, but never anything for sure lmao. So you can say that I may have the accumulated knowledge of many, but is it really reliable knowledge? What a curse indeed


Rejected from the bannermanes, however I have written books and records of day's past, cook books, old age advice, and a 101 ways to insult your mother. I did make some money with those books, but as the series went on, it just became schizophrenic garbled mess. Too many cooks ruins the broth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rejected from the bannermanes as surprising as that may be knowing they let just about anypony, even a novelty fortune telling machine. I did graduate and sold some books. Got some positive clout in my community but then turned into worry and concern. They all understand at this point and can only wish me best of luck.

Failures & Embarrassments

Rejected from the bannermanes and everypony hear that doesnt know me thinks Im a GODDAMN SCHIZO! Im not CrAzY!

Mental Trauma

You dont even know, I cant have 2 seconds to myself. The constant bickering, conflicting advice, invasion of space, and scolding.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Whatever they suggest, which can be anything. For so long I havn't been able to really make a decision for myself, however I am the one steering the wheel in the end, so I go by my best judgment to do whatever is the quickest and easiest or something that can make the most people happy. If noone's happy, Im not going to hear the end of it, it's a kangarro court in here.


Isn't communicating with the dead pretty taboo? You bother them, disturb them of their sleep just to ask if some eldritch being got some beef. Maybe my ability is the exception.

Personality Characteristics


I just want to do good again and some quests.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

This is where I'm putting in the Ancestor Personalities.   >Meridith: smoker's voice, raspy dirty horrible woman that always talks down and compares anyone or anything to another relative, which is not cool when the other ancestor is in the same room >Virginial: The cool slick back refined and calculated warlord that liked war alittle too much. Despite his intimidating and cool nature, his name did not do any favors. That's a family branch that didnt branch out. >Uncle Cleo: Christopher Walken-like character that knows something but doesnt know y'know. He can put in his 2 cents, but it just seems he's a penny short. There's always something that reminds him of other moments in his life family guy style. >Kool Asper: You know when TV shows would do like time travel episodes and they meet their great great grandpa thats basically just them but at a different time. Its basically me but without the crazy Im not crazy. >Cosmo: Charismatic ladies man that may or may not have something wrong with him. Is he on drugs? Is he on crack? Whatever he's on, he's always outspoken and talks some sense in a nonsensical way. >oldman: The one great wiseoldman always has the answers for everything, but when is he ever awake to speak? >Stacey: Valley girl cold hearted bitch, knows all the gossip and dirt and knows how to really rub it in. >Willard: coward egghead that knows alot of book, but not alot of street smarts. High inteligence >Jak: Racist, just an unapologetic racist. Kinda has a raspy smoker voice like david hayter >Dickard: Foreign ancestor of the far away land, his dialect is definitely not of here. Very Chav and classy >Nora: The smothering mother figure that babies and tries to take care and coddle, just the stereotypical mom. With the scolding and reminding and all. Somewhat voice of reason, mother knows best afterall >Tim: Mid-western milwaukee dontcha know, gives insight and comments about everything. The kind of guy that always watches you fixing your car, but doesnt help. makes wise-cracks

Likes & Dislikes

I love Big Booba and Big Mares I hate when people think Im crazIM NOT

Vices & Personality flaws

The ancestory curse and hot mares

Personality Quirks

I zone out when I see the mare.


Pretty clean, normal, I shower every day irl. There's always going to be some nagging aunt, grandma, cousin, whoever that'll remind me.


Contacts & Relations

E V E R Y B O D Y in the family

Family Ties

All over, everywhere apparantly.

Religious Views

Everytime you masturbate, you're not alone. The spirits always roam the earth and world, we just don't see them, kinda chinese if you ask me. I don't know how the deities and afterlife works in your pretend world sneedley.

Social Aptitude

They all think im schizo, but really im the first pony in this world that has the ability to communicate with the dead. They chalk it up to schizophrenia, but they're here!!

Hobbies & Pets

I can write, ask questions about the afterlife and what the world was like back in the day. Look at mares and argue.


Either amazing or none at all. Depends who's at the stand/ stage. Speech is probably shot because whenever I would have a convo, sometimes it's not just me and the other pony, there's always 1 or 2 eavesdropping or tagging in and out. I might argue in the miuddle of the coonvo, it's not pretty.

Wealth & Financial state

I got, 2 gold? The other 4 went to the haircut. I sold some books back in the day.

Ever since I was a wee lad, I was cursed/ gifted (cursed) with the ability to communicate with the dead. Not just any dead, but the past lives of his/my ancestors. Now they won't leave me alone, coming to you in a theater near you, this April.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Short Straw Cool Esper
Date of Birth
In the middle of your Campaign Calender
I don't know all your locations sneedly, you can choose
Current Residence
Where the shortstraws meet.
Triston double boat
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Radical Red
7 Feet tall (Horse height)
2200 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Man Ohh maaaan Bruh Damn Goddamn Shite Vergil quotes *Half life screams*
Known Languages
I can theoretically speak any language by hitting up an ancestor that can translate. Just gotta ask around and network.