Electra Pleiades

Electra Pleiades

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Electra has a slightly smaller than average build. She has the typical Kirin fluff in addition to a flowing, but well groomed mane and tail. She reminds you slightly of a campfire, and smells very slightly of pine wood smoke. One can feel heat flowing off of her if they stand near enough.

Body Features

Cloven Hoofsies, Fluff, Big red, snoot

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Electra was raised in a small community of grain farmers living isolated from most of fey society. She was a fairly average Kirin with a charcoal coat and small build. Her only striking features were her brightly colored mane of yellow and red. She was cared for by her parents along with a single younger brother whom she was very close with. Her parents, even though being descended from dragon blood possessed no magical abilities. They owned a substantial amount of farmland that they used to provide food to their community. As is custom in Kirin society, Electra was a hard worker and tried her best to provide, but had no aspirations of fame or fortune. Nonetheless, her family was highly regarded in the village for their contribution. Her community was neighboured by a small group of changelings, which would occasionally attack the town or abduct a resident. There were several attempts by local hunters to ward off the bugs, but they only succeeded in thinning the village's numbers further. The changelings were resented, but nothing could be done so a balance was struck and life continued. One spring, during her 14th year while working the fields, Electra happened upon an egg that had fallen from a destroyed nest. She went to move it from the field, lest it be crushed, but as she touched it, she saw a flash of light and was immediately struck with an intense burning feeling like she was on fire. Withing on the ground she had no time to wonder what had happened since as quickly as the episode began, it was over. Quickly getting up from the place she had fallen, she backpedaled away from the egg and surveyed her surroundings. She could be sure she was the only one in at least 500 meters in any direction, so it wasn't an attack. Cautiously approaching the egg again, she closely examined it without touching it. As far as she could tell it looked like a normal egg. There were no distinguishing features other than being a bit large, but not strangely so. Curiosity got the better of her, and bracing herself, she gingerly reached out to the egg again. Her hoofsie touched the shell with a light click. Nothing happened. No flash, no pain, just a light boop. Sufficiently freaked out, she gently placed the egg in her saddlebag full of seed and raced back home.   Her parents, after hearing her frantic recollection, looked worried for her health, but let her keep the egg after a teary eyed plead, on the condition that she raise whatever animal hatched from it herself. Over the next few days, Electra fantasized as to what would hatch. Maybe it would be a fire breathing dragon, or a Phoenix! After 2 weeks of care, a regular raven emerged from the white orb. Even though it was no fantastical best, Electra vowed to raise it as her own, and named the addition to her family Pollux. Months went by and she fostered a very strong bond with Pollux. The two became inseparable, doing everything together. That fall during harvest, an entourage from the closest city reached out to Electra's village in hopes of starting a trade route. The village leaders agreed on the condition that the city would help wipe out the changeling nest that was harassing their community. The city sent an extermination squad to destroy the changelings, and the party set off back to the city.   Several days later, Electra was awoken in the middle of the night by screams in the next room over. She jolted out of bed and raced to her brother's room where the noise was originating. She crashed through the door closely followed by Pollux and her parents only to find her brother standing in the middle of the room with a 1000 yard stare on his face. Her parents rushed to her brother and started caring to him. Just then, there was a shout from outside the front door. Shocked, Electra backed out of the room and went to answer the door. As she opened the door, one of the village elders burst through and between frantic breaths told her that the village was under attack. Apparently the changeling hive was much larger than anticipated, and it had launched a counter attack on the village after the city had sent their party to the hive. Electra led the elder to where the rest of her family was, so they could evacuate. The group was using the grain fields and the darkness as cover when several changelings appeared seemingly out of nowhere and surrounded them. Suddenly her brother gored her father with his horns. Her father fell to the ground and as Electra watched in horror, her brother burst into green flame and where he was just standing appeared a changeling. The confusion that the sneak attack caused lasted long enough for the rest of the bugs to advance on the party and attack. Electra watched as her entire family was slain right before her eyes, and she was unable to do anything. Just as the changeling who had replaced her brother and killed her father was about to tear her to shreds, she felt the same feeling she had felt when she'd first touched Pollux's egg. Except this time, instead of searing pain, all she felt was hatred for the creature in front of her.   It felt like her blood was on fire. She noticed that it was no longer dark in the field. Instead the entire surroundings were lit with a bright yellow light that seemed to be coming from Electra herself. The changeling that was just about to attack had also stopped and was staring at her with surprise and fear. She didn't care. Her hate compelled her to fight this disgusting bug, even if she knew she would surely die doing so. She ran towards the changeling and lowered her impressive rack towards her dazed target. She was surprised when she felt her horns pierce the hard carapace of the changeling. It let out a wet hiss and fell to the ground dragging her still entangled head with it. The fire in her veins subsided as she struggled to get her head free from the corpse. She heard buzzing and felt fangs sink into her back. She cried out in pain as the teeth sunk deeper into her flesh. She knew this was it. She was done for. Things that she had wanted to do but never had the chance to flashed though her mind as she was clawed at by the changelings. Suddenly, she heard a familiar flap of wings and her mind immediately jumped. Pollux was still alive! There was a loud caw and the teeth that were assaulting her backside receded as the changeling tried to find the source of the noise. She yanked her horns free from the first changeling just to see Pollux shot out of the sky by a magic beam. Hearing Pollux's cry of pain sent her over the edge. The fire was back, and this time she screamed in rage as a fireball engulfed her body. The fire expanded in a swirling inferno centered on her. The changelings unfortunate enough to be within 10 feet of her were immediately reduced to charred husks. Those farther away were ignited by the sheer proximity. Her outburst had lit the field on fire and thinking quickly due to the huge amounts of adrenaline running through her veins, she knew that the light would attract more changeling raiders. Galloping to where Pollux fell, she was glad to find him with only an injured wing. She scooped him up into her saddlebags and made a break for the treeline. After running for what seemed like hours she found a hollow under a tree and waited out the night. When it became light out, she found her bearings and made off for the city.

Gender Identity





Whitewater Bannermane member

Mental Trauma

Doesn't like wide open areas, especially the ocean.


Religious Views

She is a follower of the Moon Princess. Even though she doesn't show it outwardly she has a deep connection with her faith but refuses to elaborate further than that for now.

Social Aptitude

She could sell a step stool to an antion. It is possible to fluster her in some circumstance, but it isn't easy.


She is generally the quiet type and very direct.

Hobbies & Pets

Pollux, her familiar, is an adult raven and her best friend. He has been with her since she was a child.


She knows a variety of languages and speaks with a soft voice.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
Mors 24
Yellow and orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
gray coat
Smaller than average