

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fayrock lived for most of his life in an all-griffon town hidden in near mountain peaks of a faraway country. That town wasn't an ordinary one as it was inhabited by griffons that valued mutual respect and showing gratitude towards one another, despite what most other griffons tend to act like. They were a peaceful bunch that weren't interested in any sort of conflict. Perhaps their worst mistake was disregarding the need of defenses to protect the town if attacks were to be directed to it. Because of this, not long ago, the town was assaulted by a mysterious monarch that thought a nice round of prideful griffons as slaves would make their reputation take considerable heights. Of course, the cowardly ruler would look for easy preys instead of heading towards the ones that are able to fight back. Without much time, the town was reduced to rubble and ruins. What remained of the griffons was chained and escorted to the inside of the ship. Right before boarding, each soon to be slave were to be marked to make locating them a bit easier if they were to somehow escape. Fayrock wasn't spared from the treatment. After being put inside cages and unshackled, one of the sneakier griffons managed to smuggle in a bomb-like device that would have served as firework for festivities with a bit more development but alas that opportunity is now far gone, though fortunately enough it served to bust the bars open and allow the rest of the prisoners to flee from the enormous floating vessel before it took off. Though Fayrock was able to get away, the fact that he had no longer a home to come back to immensely shook his mind. Not only that, he now bore a mark that would mean serious trouble if the wrong individual were to notice it. He would need to find some sort of mask to cover that problematic symbol on his face. No longer was everything going to be the same. It was a painful thought, but he had no choice. No use sticking to the past, he had to somehow start a new life somewhere far from his former home. It would take long before he would find a suitable purpose. He would travel from town to town, each farther than the place where everything changed for the worse. Along the way, he’d learn from the mistake that led such a tragedy to occur and mainly focus on defending himself whether it would be against the allies of that dastardly monarch or ill-intentioned adversaries. That meant training fiercely to overcome any major weaknesses and learning to use at-hand tools to defeat an aggressor. This led to a hobby of sorts. Fayrock took a certain interest in some of the objects that one would use to defend themselves. He's developed a sort of habit of collecting different kinds of arms. He wouldn't use all of them during battle but it felt somewhat reassuring to him to have them around. When he arrived at Bleakburn, after hearing many tales of this city from the towns he visited, he noticed a flier informing a certain organization called "the bannermanes" were looking for adventurers willing to travel away from town in order to help them achieve a project said to be "for the wellness of all beings". Our griffon friend thought it would serve as a nice way to hide his identity and earn some coins on the way. After all, no one questions the identity of traveling heroes.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite being now armed with heavy weaponry, he refuses to abuse of his heavier gear when the outcome of the conflict isn't critical. He engages in confrontations depending on how much he has to lose instead of how much he as to win. He won't let anyone or anything perish by his hands.

"I am heavy weapons guy."

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Neutral Good