Founding Day

The Founding Day festival is a festival commemorating the annual anniversary celebration of Astillon under one flag, and the beginning of Bleakburn as it's capital. While many celebrations are held through the nation, the biggest takes place in the nation's capital. It takes place every year on the 3rd of Lashie, and within the capitol itself, lasts a traditional total of 3 days.


First Founding

The first founding day was in the year 203


The festival itself happens traditionally over the course of three days, each a new part of the celebration with its own rite that represents the 3 day battle against the ancient dragon that sought to crush this new nation of all creatures.   

Day One

The first day of the celebration is usually the busiest. Marketers are stocked up with all manner of masks, food, candies, drink, and of course, fireworks. This is the most profitable time of year for those in the Bleakburn markets, and a simple walk through the very streets would allude to this. Coin is exchanged left and right, bringing eager faces for what the night is to bring.   Night of the first day is when the true start of the celebration begins. Many folks wearing masks of some of the first Bannermanes and other creative historical figures ready their fireworks for the First Spark to light from the tip of The Origin. Seeing the firework fly up, participants await the bright flash of the first successful, and usually brilliant display before popping their own smaller ones up into the air, a cacophonous boom that can be heard surely around for miles.   Following every 3rd hour until dawn, smaller displays of fireworks fill the skies from the surrounding openings in the Origin, highlighting the sky with brilliant colors, and unique displays in celebration.  Traditionally, towards midnight itself, and hosted in a large theater, bards and magicians chosen to put on the display re-enact a play of the first day of the great 3-day events surrounding the original founding of the nation, and the leadup to the events of the second day.  

Day Two

The second day of the celebration offers a bit of time for participants through the day to restock their likely depleted sources of fireworks from the night previous, and is the host of most things food related. Vendors from all walks line the streets, showing their various foods from settlements across Astillon, and offer a taste of their own home for any who wish to part with a silver or two to experience it.   As the night draws closer, the many migrants and locals once again gather around The Origin, awaiting the Second Spark; the second of three of the largest fireworks to fire from atop the tower, where, much like the first, results in many additional pops, whirrs, and cracks of the many other small fireworks set off by individuals into the sky.   Within the main theater, a re-enactment plays, detailing the second day's events of the 3-day interaction, though, typically, this is the day more love to see. Great displays of magic and effects are brought as, historically, the second day of the three is the day in which the battle against Morlog.  

Day Three

The third day of the celebration is perhaps, the most performative one. Merchants, typically sold out of most of their wares, and likely tired form the two solid days of constant business typically either close down, or offer their spaces for a price to performers to play traditional tunes to the festivities through the day. As dusk falls, a third firework does not come, however, instead, many who had come to celebrate hold hoof, claws, or wing together to sing the praises of the three who died protecting Bleakburn, successful in their goal, though sadly, ending in their deaths.   The song is sung, and soon after the theaters resume part 3 of their act of the fateful day. It is not until midnight that the Third Spark is lit, the biggest and most epic of displays as it flies up through the air, bursting, and marking the celebration's end.   

Traditional Activities

The Lady in Lace

A festival activity in which several greased pigs are let loose through the city with a bride's veil on to be captured. Wings are tied together, and magic is prohibited in the good spirit of the challenge.


Everyone through Astillon is encouraged to participate in the celebration wherever they may be, though a majority of the traditional celebration happens in Bleakburn as many participants make the trip to partake in the drink, dance, and of course, the most wonderful part of all, the grand fireworks.