Iron Scythe
Iron Scythe
Born and raised in mostly peaceful Millstone. Working as a miller, Iron Scythe was involved in more than just millwork. From fencing stolen goods to being directly invovled in quick highway robberies. Focusing on robbing travelers who came through Millstone and tending to be easily angered, led to some unneccessary traveler deaths. After every creature's death he would strike a line on his cheek to eventually form a cool S(need). He was able to hide his identify with millwork until a band of brigands he was affiliated with was captured. Being closely connected, Iron Scythe couldn't easily hide under being a miller and was forced to flee for now to avoid repercussions of the law. They soon became a common Board user and easily assimliated with the tavern users by always being angry at everything. Seeking skill and a fat coinpouch, Iron Sycthe decided to choose a more redeeming field of work in adventure. Rather than landing in more legal trouble he first tried to join the Bannermanes. Given their current slightly troublesome background, he was unable to join. However, surely the shortstraws will allow Iron Scythe a second chance.