Joining Astillon

So you're new to the Bannermanes or another Astillon campaign? Well luckily, there is a handy dandy guide to get you started with all the relevant info you will need to get going with the campaign!  

Campaign Rules

  1) NAT 20 does not mean critical and automatic success. Technically by Pathfinder rules, dice rolls don't have crits based on the super crazy modifiers you can get. That being said, on a case by case basis, really good or really bad things can happen still on a NAT 1 or 20, just depending on what the circumstances are. I'm not of the mind that critical successes can never happen   2) I do not enforce diplomacy and persuasion rolls between characters. That is up to you and your own social skills to convince your fellow party members things, not the dice. If you personally are okay setting a DC and things for someone to convince your character, however, I wont stop you NPC's are a different story, obviously since they aren't actual players. Diplomatize them all you want.   3) DM has final say in matters of rulings. I try to adhere to the rules, and if there is an argument to be made, Ill listen to it, but incessant amounts of rules lawyering and the like is not something I like to have in any of my games, and makes the game about the system, and less about the adventure, which is not what I want.   4) If I ban you from the game for any reason (which in itself if a fairly rare occurrence), the appeal to be let back in will be left up to the community of other players at large. If the majority wishes you back in for another chance, I'll abide by it.

Table Rules

1) Don't be an ass. Self explanatory. I know you fucks are from 4chan, but anyone participating is here to have fun and be a pony, and not to have to be an edgy retard to each other for 4 hours straight.   2) I expect everyone to put in the time to know their sheet! This is literally one of my biggest pet-peeves. If abilities aren’t known, and its figured later, it is not my fault it was forgotten. Pathfinder is an extensive system and I don’t and cant know and remember everything about everyone’s sheet at all time. Knowing your sheet also keeps the game immersive and flowing, so lets keep that a thing of etiquette.   3) Accept that sometimes, things go wrong. It's the way the dice roll. Having a bad attitude about that only serves to bring down the whole mood of the table. Don't be “that guy”   4) Death is part of the game. While sad and rare if/when it happens, know that straight up leaving and such is a bad way to handle that as a player.   5) It IS a game. Purpose is to have fun! Try and bring as many of your fellow players into the action as you can. Hogging spotlight is sometimes not the greatest practice   6) In-Game secrecy is fine in moderation, but know that I will NOT be whispering half the session to you   7) Being that this game is a West-Marches, know that the campaign and any narratives don't necessarily revolve around players. I will do my best to include things that relate to backstories, maybe even little personal missions and the like, but that shouldn't be the direct expectation.   8) This is a game for people who browse the boards. Flaunting how much of a vagrant offboarder you are is the fastest way to ensure that you don't get preference on being in sessions. If someone who browses wants to join, then they have preference over people who feel they have an obligation to be in just to take advantage of the fact that I do, in fact, let anyone join  

Campaign Information

Technologies being used

For this campaign, I will be using Foundry as the VTT solution  

System being used

Pathfinder 2 will be the system being used here. I absolutely love the system. Ponyfinder will be used for the pony races and such. Though it is Pathfinder, I want to impress upon you all that I dont typically allow human(esque) characters into my games. My games are pony-centric in nature and revolve around the fey-creature lines.   Ponyfinder races include, but are not limited to: -Pegasi
-Earth Ponies
-Sea Ponies
-Short Legs (Even smaller ponies)
-Luminous dragons (Dragons like Spike)
-Phoenix Wolves (Fire demon wolf things)
-Steelhearts (Living iron ponies)
-Clovens (Goats)
-Ruminants (Deer)
-Flutterponies (Reformed changelings pretty much. Pretty bug horses)
-Purrsians (Think Sphinxes and large cats with wings)
-Sun Cats (Think Capper from the MLP Movie)


The campaign will be a West-Marches style campaign. A west marches campaign is a particular style of RPG campaign, easily transported to D&D, that has some of the following criteria: There's no regular scheduled time. There's no fixed group of players; players can drop in and out each session. The players determine the direction of the game.  

Campaign setting

The campaign setting is high fantasy and magic, taking place in the world of Astillon. Effectively means this is medieval style with lots of magic and the like. Technology in itself isn't the most 'progressed' thing out there, and isn't advanced much higher than steampunk airships and basic style firearms for certain classes.

Making a Character

Making PF2 sheets are similar to most other TTRPG's, so there isn't a big learning curve. Making your sheet manually is something that I will make anyone joining do for their character, as it lends more to you knowing how your character actually works. That being said, starting off, it is a good start to take a look at the character building steps here:
This link gives the 10 steps to making a level 1 character here. Once you have a level 1 version of your character made, I will be more than happy to double check it for you to make sure you got everything in order before doing your level ups.Mind that character sheets are using the Free Archetype variant rule. The only difference between a normal character sheet, and one using the Free Archetype variant rule is that every even level, you get an additional archetype feat. These can be found on Archives of Nethys for more information.   When you are ready to start making your character, let me know and I can get you your foundry login and blank sheet. It is best to use the compendium, which is a lot better and has searching for all sorts of things like class abilities, features, skills, spells, and a host of other things. If you need help with this, please ask, or ask your fellow players who have a hand in doing so. Always good to learn to use the tools provided.


Once you have your sheet made, next comes the fun part. Equipment is going to be using the equipment table here:
How do you read this? Well for example, if you are a new level 6 character, you have, two 4th level items, three 3rd level items, two 2nd level items, and 80 gp for extra spending. The items you get (based on your level) are permanent items, which is to say, they do not have a trait that says "Consumable" on them. Once you have all this squared away, give me a poke and I can check through your sheet. Above it all, just remember rule number 2 above in the table rules.  

World Anvil

Once you have your sheet made, you are halfway there! The last thing I have every one of my players do is add a relevant World Anvil entry to the world. For this, you will need to create a World Anvil account, then make a new character. There, you will fill out various information about them such as race, backstory, and other information. You do NOT need to make your sheet in the site unless you wish, as the World Anvil campaign tools will not be used in the campaign. To add your character to the world, I will send you the link in order to get them added. This information will then be available to anyone who is part of the campaign as a wiki-style article.

General Bannermanes Lore

General lore to the world might be needed, and this is why this wiki itself exists! To get you started, however, there are a couple key things to keep in mind. The Bannermanes is an adventurers organization that spans across the map. Every city has it's own chapter of it, and every chapter has it's own badge. Every chapter has what is called a "Mainstitch" which is the effective leader of that branch of the Bannermanes. More information on the Bannermanes can be found here, and more information for certain chapters and cities can be found on their individual pages and articles. Feel free to ask me if the city you want doesn't have information filled in yet and I'll be happy to give you some more information on it.


There are a couple things to keep in mind when we are in sessions to be aware of. One of the biggest things to remember is that we are using Hero Points in play, but with a small homebrew twist of my own to make them a bit more important. What are hero points? Hero points are points given to players up to a total of 3 that are used for a number of things such as re-rolls, stabilizations, or otherwise being a hero! Every session, players start with at least one, which refreshes every session. Below are the bulleted notes on their use:   -If a hero point is given as a reward in session or personally by me, that hero point can carry into the next session
-If a hero point is used (And not already known to be a success), but the outcome of a situation does not change in any more negative way, the hero point is returned
-If a hero point is used, players will roll a 1d4. On a roll of 4, it is assumed the re-roll was a NAT 20
-You will get a hero point as a reward for making a log as well. Anyone can make a log or a relevant campaign art piece, and more than one person can make a log for a session if they wish
Guide, How-to