

The government of Kalidai is run by one entity; an ancient crystal dragon by the name of Koh-i-Noor. Like most crystal dragons, rare as they are, she is somewhat captivated by her own image, and the one the city harbors. As such, many of the city's denizens take to her preferred fashion choices year by year, to the point where one's status and pull on the politics of the city are based on how forward and fashionable one might be.  On the other side of that coin, however, old fashions that go out of style quickly become more of a taboo overtime, and those found wearing them are quickly shunted away from most of what the city has to offer.  Koh-i-Noor herself determines these yearly fashion choices during the winter months of Moor, wherein she holds a highly exclusive party named The Krystal Ball; a 3 day celebration taking place over the course of The Odyssey. It is at this ball that those who wish to have sway in the settlement's choices in the coming year can have the opportunity to sway her mind in a direction that favors their own fashion ideals.

Guilds and Factions

The Bannermanes

The Bannermanes here (The Calligraphers) serve as a protection service to Koh-i-Noor, given there are those who might wish her more harm than good on account of her yearly fashion moods.  

The Fashion Gangs

As the years pass, there are still some who wish to hold onto some of the older, more vintage fashion. While these fashions may be taboo, that does not stop underground markets and gangs from forming around the idea of a given fashion. Presented are the names of some of Kalidai's fashion gangs.
  • The Corduroy Boys
  • The Crocs
  • The Bellbottom Blasters
  • The Turtleneck Troupe
  • The Bowl-Cutters
    And many others
Year after year, new ones crop up, introducing a constant changing landscape of troubles present in the city. Though conversely, old ones that don't hold much ground eventually, slowly, fade away or find themselves giving up their fashions or joining other more risque groups.

Points of interest

Château du Miroir

The castle that Koh-i-Noor rules from stands proudly above the city. Crystal spires reflect light through the day, illuminating the sky from it with brilliant colors from the refracted lights. Only members of Koh-i-Noor's elite guard, personal invitations, or close friends are permitted entry; and it is them who get to properly experience the incredibly beautiful architecture of the inside of her Château.
Alternative Name(s)
The Diamond City
Inhabitant Demonym