Moon Planter

Moon Planter

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender frame with nimble thumbs on his wings he uses like fingers.

Body Features

Long leather flaps on his wings, and little nicks and scars on his hooves from his traps backfiring on him.

Facial Features

Bright inquisitive eyes with fluffy tuffs of fur on his ears. He's quick to smile and show off his teeth, but can frown just as quickly if things get serious.

Identifying Characteristics

His cutie mark is a full moon over a sprouting seed.

Physical quirks

Hates sleeping on the ground, so will often sleep upside down in trees, or pitch a tent with a cot.

Special abilities

His kind demeanor belies his trickery in combat. He never fights fair and takes every advantage he can to win.

Apparel & Accessories

Lots of rope and traps hang from his gear.

Specialized Equipment

Tracking and trapping his prey. Enjoys cooking and sharing his bounties of food. Never his gold.


Contacts & Relations

Both parents, Grandmother, and 4 younger sisters.

Family Ties

Most of my family stays in the caves where it's always dark.  I've only been away from home for a few years, and while I miss my sisters, I can't imagine living without stars.  Ironic that many of my kind worship the Moon Princess, but rarely venture out of the caves to actually see it.

Religious Views

The Moon Princess blesses us every night with her sky.  The light of night can be blinding so I plant trees in her honor under her full moon.  The forests give me much, so it's my way of giving back to it for its many blessings.

Social Aptitude

Not many ponies can be made to see reason when it's most important, so a quick threat and bearing of teeth is better for gaining the temporary cooperation I need.


Tell a good joke over a hot meal, and you're sure to make a friend.  Slap a bear trap on the testicles of your enemies, and you're sure to make a prisoner begging for mercy.

Hobbies & Pets

I love collecting seeds and spreading them over the land.  Maybe when I'm old, I can travel back to my routes and enjoy the fruits of my labor.  If not, the forest will.  I tried keeping a squirrel as a pet once.  It ate my blue berries, so I ate it.  Turns out squirrels love blue berries, and I love squirrels.

Wealth & Financial state

Simple lives require little pay.  I've gained the skills to live rent free, but most of my money has gone into equipment.  I hope one day to put my skills to good use and start making some really money.

A Trapper and Cook who enjoys living off the land. Generally easy to get along with, but will fight dirty when his life depends on it. Aspires to be a bounty hunter who brings his prey back alive. Joined the Bannermanes to train and earn recognition.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Undisclosed Cave
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

A White Oak Grows
11th of Lashie Year 0

I've been planting trees for a while, but never thought to write about them until now. I've been hunting and trapping for many years. Life after leaving the caves was terrifying at first. I had never seen the sky before, and I was afraid it would swallow me up, or that if I stared too long I'd fall into it. Sky sickness, I've heard it called. The sun pierced my eyes and burned me, so I hid in the shade of large trees during the day. In the cool of the night, I'd wander into openings and look at the sky. The bright blue replaced by so many stars. Every night I looked up, and the stars were different. Always moving, but never absent. I grew to appreciate them and learned how to follow them without getting lost. The trees gave me shelter, gave me food, and shared their bounties with every creature who needed them.   I'm not a religious pony, but my kin always mentioned the Moon Princess and how She watches over Her children who live in dark places. Her nights were created for us, and She loves it when we enjoy them. The forest gave me what I needed to thrive, so now I give back. I give back to the animals whom I've hunted, and enrich the soil from which the life here grows. While I may not worship the Moon Princess faithfully, I take every opportunity to tell Her, "Thank you." I plant trees under Her full moon to honor Her so that nature may continue to thrive, and feed those like me who venture out of the caves for the first time.   Tonight, I planted a White Oak Tree by the Alverton Fort. White Oaks are magnificent trees. Though not as hardy as Black Oak, a White Oak matures quickly and grows very tall. In 30 years time, this tree will have tall branches and provide enough acorns for thousands of animals. Both predators and prey will find a safe haven here, and should it be needed for lumber it will be crafted into fine wood works. I pray that the Moon Princess blesses this soil in moon light, and that the seasons be fair to this young sapling as it grows. Let it be so.   I chose a familiar tree to sleep in that overlooks where I planted my White Oak. The cool breeze sways me to sleep, and I rest easy tonight.