Silver Wing

Silver Wing

Silver Wing was born in one of the relatively small communities of leatherwings that populate the western mountains and caves of Astillion, it was a somewhat remote community that would only rarely visit the nearby towns to trade. As a colt he joined a religious order dedicated to the worship of the Moon Princess, and among record keeping and other tasks he discovered his talent for alchemy. As time passed and he spent more time pouring over books filled with myths and legends of Astillion he grew bored with the life he knew and was determined to set out and make a name for himself. So, with the encouragement of a community that had grown weary of cleaning up the results of his experiments, he traveled east. There he hoped to join the Bannermanes he had read so much about, knowing that they could offer him opportunity and reputation. His lack of social grace combined with a few alchemical mix-ups haven't won him many friends in the towns he has visited but he remains as determined as ever.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slightly taller than average for a leatherwing.

Body Features

Grayish fur

Identifying Characteristics

Silver-colored wings, intense orange eyes

Personality Characteristics


Join the Bannermanes and prove his worth to them. Become a stronger alchemist and warrior, gain enough wealth to live comfortably.

Virtues & Personality perks

Smart Loyal to people who've helped him. Knows when stealth is the better course of action.

Vices & Personality flaws

Not very charismatic Indecisive
True Neutral
Deep Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey