Swift Sail

The Dragonslayer, The Kirin Tamer, The Sapphire of Whitewater, M.D., Stormbringer, Matchmaker, Wati's Hero Swift Sail

From a young age, Swift Sail always knew he wanted to sail the world in a grand adventure following in the hoofsteps of his mother Blue Angel. With his father not in the picture, Swift had only her to look up to, a caring and warm mare with great understanding and natural leadership as a former ship captain in the Wimborne Navy. Growing up, Swift looked on in awe at his mother and her finesse with a blade with wide, bright eyes. Visions of grandeur filled his blue head as he saw himself as a valiant, world renown swordsman. Swift's father was a Bannermane, and the branch cared greatly for him and his mother after his departure and the colt was welcomed to hang around the HQ after school as he waited for his mother to get off work. Even if perhaps not the most appropriate place for a young stallion to hang out, the branch watched over the energetic, lively lad. That exposure to the Bannermanes and the tutelage of his mother only furthered his excitement for joining their ranks, though his mother was somewhat hesitant.   Eventually while Swift was still in school, he met a perky, pretty pegasus mare named Yurushi Miki, affectionately nicknamed Sushi. The two fell madly in love, so much so that Swift didn't have to think twice about putting his Bannermane plans aside to stay home with Sushi. Instead Swift decided to enlist with the navy as his mother had before, seeing it as the safer option. There he lived happily for years with Sushi, eventually getting married. It was a cruel bout of irony that saw his wife fall pray to a terminal illness while he was on ship. Swift was thankfully able to make it home in time to see her before she passed. As a part of his goodbye he took one of her feathers for himself, tucking it in his tricorne with one of his own. Now with a broken heart and an aimless spirit, Swift finished his tenure with the navy at the next chance he got then set sail with a traveling merchant ship which he saw as an opportunity to clear his head, though in reality he simply didn't wish to be home any longer while he could still feel the pain of losing his wife.   On board, Swift got more time and experience as a swashbuckler and a charismatic stallion, slowly regaining his spirit as he ventured from port to port galivanting about. He spent 2 years with that crew before deciding to step away for something more structured, something he'd aspired towards since he was a colt.   The Bannermanes.   Swift still wasn't ready to come home however, and having been dropped off in Whitewater, Swift enlisted with the branch known as the Wayfinders. With a journal, his navy's coat and tricorne, and his wife's feather in tow, Swift set off for greater adventures and grandeur, logging away every story for his wife.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Swift stands taller than average with an athletic and tone, yet gracefully slender build. His muzzle is chiseled, and his wings are also somewhat longer than average. His fetlocks are neatly trimmed to give way to dark blue beneath the fur.

Identifying Characteristics

Swift's mane is the pinnacle of perfection, the naturally air-blown quaff of his two-toned mane arcs between his ears and down the back of his neck and seems to fall perfectly into place and stay that way through any battle.

Physical quirks

Don't touch his mane.

Apparel & Accessories

Swift proudly wears his Bannermane's badge. Swift's armor and over-the-shoulder cape are crafted from the hide of a young red dragon he helped slay. Swift's tricorne hat carries a feather of his late wife along with one of his own.

Mental characteristics


Fuck around and find out.


Swift Sail works as a Bannermare for the Wayfinders of the Whitewater chapter, but is currently with a traveling party of Bannermanes made up of Sacred Skeins from Bleakburn and High Rollers from Dakilai.

Mental Trauma

Swift never knew his father and lost his wife to death. These carry with him no matter how nimbly he dashes or how far he sails.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Don't touch his mane.


For a seafaring stallion, Swift takes tremendous pride in his outward appearance and looks. He cleans himself regularly, keeping an ever present look of cleanliness about him.


Family Ties

Swift Sail's mother is Blue Angel, the mainstitch of the Wimborne branch of the Bannermanes organization. She started out in the navy as a captain of a ship but eventually moved to oversee on-land operations in order to be closer to her son. Swift's father was a Bannermane in the branch.

Social Aptitude

Swift is naturally charming and flirty. He enjoys chatting and making friends in a typically playful and often goofy manner.

A former sailor with the one of the purest adventuring spirits you'll find. A stallion that embodies living in the moment, and for glory.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Swift Sail the Bloo, Swiffy
Date of Birth
3, 1. The 3rd of First Book.
200 lbs
Known Languages
Sylvan (common), draconic, sphinx, celestial.