The Four Horrors

The Four Horrors that once plagued Astillon all have inversely had a positive impact on some of it's incredibly diverse history. Most of their ends met in misfortune at the hands of the Original Bannermanes, and were locked away with the help of magic from Nevermore among them.  

ʻIngsheu Ahi (Morlog)

'Ingsheu Ahi is the first and most well-known of the four. Stories of the Ancient Red Dragon have been passed down for ages, and it is only during and after the era of the Original Bannermanes that he began being known as "Morlog". The name, however, was not one he is the most fond of. Dragons, being fairly well-known to be named by the people who fear or know them best was quite proud of the name "'Ingsheu Ahi" that the terrified denizens of the land had given him; a name meaning "Wings of Fire". It was much to his distaste when Semitone of the Original Bannermanes had quickly spread the rumor of the 'much cooler sounding name', Morlog. 'Ingsheu is most famously known for two things; the clever dethroning of his own father, and his defeat at Bleakburn by the Bannermanes, and subsequent sealing by Nevermore.

Honua Wela

Honua Wela is the name given to the second of the four horrors. A name meaning "Molten Earth" is befitting of the ancient Lerritan, as his earthen paths of destruction were more than a thing to behold if one was to live to tell the tale. The very mountain ranges to the east that slow the rains and cause the dry desert conditions are largely said to be his doing. In texts of old, it is said that he used to take rest in the large active Volcano in the area above what is now Wati. When Holua Wela was sealed away by Nevermore, it was said in his texts to be deep under the water to hinder any attempts of his escape.

Mea Pena Kiʻi

Mea Pena Kiʻi is the third of the horrors with a name that simply means "The Painter". Less of a creature, and more of an artifact in itself, books by Nevermore explain the significant danger this weapon possesses. It was within his book "Without Rime or Reason" that he detailed the unfortunate mistakes made by one of their own. Rime himself had succumb to the powerful great sword itself, committing acts that brought fear to the lands around him, and it was only by the notice of his friend Semitone that they were able to wrest it from him, breaking the hold it had on his mind. Sensing a great intelligence and magic behind it, Nevermore named it, sealing it away so it would not be able to mold another wielder into something they were not.

ʻEnekini Kai

'Enekini Kai is the last of the four horrors, and one with the only currently-known locations in Astillon. A name meaning "Sea Engine", 'Enekini Kai was originally created by the Clockworks within the Great Foundry under the direction of Crucible in order to try and make a machine just as equally capable of helping fight against the other horrors. In the books of Nevermore, it was Wildfire who had been most against the idea, claiming that something that powerful and unnatural was an affront to nature and a danger to those who would not be able to stop it. Crucible did not back down from the endeavor, however, and the project was completed. Taking a key necessary to wind it, it was brought to life. At first, a joyous day as it took to the waters in defense of the city, it quickly turned to horror as incoming ships and other trade vessles were immediately shot down by the creature that had been programmed to defend its home; Golden Port. For 72 days, the machine terrorized and destroyed coastal cities, unable to be contained before on the last day, it returned to its home in the Great Foundry, ready to be wound again to resume it's duties. The key to its function, however, was given to Wildfire as a sign of apology for the destruction his hubris had caused, and the clockwork remains in The Great Foundry as both a symbol of the incredible engineering prowess of the Clockworks, and a reminder to them of their pact to never manufacture another clockwork weapon.
Illicit, Other