The Original Bannermanes

The Bannermanes weren't always a common group found in chapters around Astillon. They were once a well-respected and revered adventuring party who started the new era of Astillon by saving what is now its capitol.  


The members of The Bannermanes had a range of skills and backgrounds, coming from various corners of Astillon

Queen Amenta

Queen Amenta is a sphinx, and the second and last queen of Old Wati. During her time, her name was known to be synonymous with Beauty, and thusly, her nickname was as such. She was the cleric of the Bannermanes and the wisest among them, known for her healing ability, and her creation of the Great Oasis in the desert above Dakilai. Given she is the well-known daughter of Soft Whisper herself, it is widely believed she herself is a demigod.


Crucible was the clockwork crafter and alchemist of the Bannermanes. Many of the great mechanical works and blacksmithing between them was done at his hand. He is most known for being the architect and mastermind for The Great Foundry in Golden Port where many of the lands largest and most complex machinery was developed to make such things as the Great Friendship Bridge and the walls surrounding Basin Sage. As a result of this, he is more infamously known for his mistake in creating one of the four horrors of Astillon, ʻEnekini Kai. It is because of this that Golden Port has taken a pact to never use their engineering prowess to construct another weapon.


Wildfire was a Phoenix Wolf druid of the wild order for the Bannermanes. Not one to be the most comfortable around crowds, he was rarely seen. The few times he could be seen in public were usually done so while he was in his wild-shape form. Keeping to himself typically lead to his achievements being... more discreet. Out of everyone within the party he was part of however, it was always Crucible who he had seemed to never see eye to eye with. Being a druid of the wilds, seeing someone so invested on creating and manufacturing false life was more than enough to cause tension between the two, and it wasn't until Crucible's unfortunate mistake in creating ʻEnekini Kai that it was finally brought to a head. It was Crucible who had given him the key that wound the machine as a direct apology to him for his grievous action, and it is the key that he is said to have always kept watch over.


Semitone is the quirky, flirty, Shorthooved Bard of the Bannermanes. His charisma and social grace was told to be as legendary as his music, and he is documented to have never gone anywhere without his trusty pal Rime by his side. His biggest call to notoriety is the reason why Trickster's Trove as a holiday exists, being the day he was rumored to have fooled an ancient red dragon out of his hoard on a dare from Rime. It was Semitone who was the first and quickest to figure out that his friend had become tainted by the effects of Mea Pena Kiʻi, and without the help of Nevermore, they might not have been able to reverse what had been done.


Nevermore is a hippogriff and the brain of the group. His bird half, being that of a raven was very well known, and many markings bearing his symbol or relevance to him reflected him or his familiar, Quoth the Raven. Being a wizard, he was renown for his intelligence and worldly knowledge, and was the first headmaster of the Clawstone Academy in Aerilon. He himself is most known for being the caster to fully seal away the 4 horrors that had once plagued the land of Astillon, and the documentation of their natures.


Rime is the legendary snowy-griffon fighter of the group, named after the frost that freezes in the cold fog of a morning. Of the party, it was he and Semitone who were known for being the best of friends, travelling everywhere together even before The Bannermanes as a party were formed. Somewhat militaristic himself, he was known for being the one to put the idea forward first to make The Bannermanes an organization across the land of Astillon, and is featured in many plays around Founders day as the one who delivered the final, deciding blow against Morlog in his attack against the capitol. Not without his blunders, however, Rime is more regretfully known to have succumb to the ill-fated effects of Mea Pena Kiʻi, one of the four horrors. If not for the keen eye of Semitone and the magical know-how of Nevermore, he might have become something truly horrific. Afterwards, in an act to seek his redemption, he crafted his now legendarily known weapon "Permafrost" and sought to make good the wrongs he had done.


The Bannermanes weren't only known by their generally helpful good deeds. They were immortalized as names by their legendary feats through their time as adventurers

Morlog's Defeat

Information on the defeat of Morlog
-Was the biggest claim to fame
-Sparked the creation of the Bannermanes as an organization
-Is the reason why Founder's Day is a thing

The Great Oasis

Information on the formation of the Great Oasis
-Formed by Queen Amenta and Soft Whisper
-Blessed the waters to be fresh with the aid of a favorite pet

The Necropolis of Wati

Information on the necropolis of Wati

The Great Foundry

Information about the Great Foundry in Goldenport
-Great Foundry was designed by Crucible
-Made to construct a great weapon to be able to combat the horrors
-Created ʻEnekini Kai

Construction of the Wall of Basin Sage

Information about the wall around Basin Sage -TBA
Adventuring Party