The Traveler

The Traveler is the figurehead for the celebration known as The Odyssey. Every settlement has their own tale of The Traveller; who they are, what they look like... though it is more widely accepted that the mysterious figure is a Changeling. A Changeling who Travels the world to bring kindness, gifts, and to some... lessons.  


Interpretations of The Traveler are slightly different depending on if you are from the East or the West sides of the land, typically relating to how doors are decorated.  

Eastern Interpretation

In the Eastern deserts, it is said that the Traveler himself is blind, though being so, he attained a 6th sense through life that lets him detect the good and bad in people. Being that he is blind, however, and that the night of his travel is always under a new moon, it is common practice to adorn one's doorstep with lots of decorations and lights in the hopes of lighting his path to help him in his journey.  

Western Interpretation

In the western cities, it is said that the Traveler has enlisted the help of certain and secret Luminance Dragons and Deer of the post, who help carry and deliver all of his gifts across the land in one night after determining the good and bad deeds of all those in the land. This being the case, doors are typically decorated with family pictures, carvings, or otherwise to help the secret service more quickly find the homes the gifts The Traveler had intended them to be for.
Date of Setting
"Many many years ago"