Triple Sevens

Triple Sevens

Triple Sevens, also known as Sevens, is a goofy and eccentric unicorn thief. Despite his small stature, scrawny build, and easily frightened demeanor, he manages to evade danger through his ability to dodge virtually anything, slip out of any bindings, and contort his body in absurd fashions. Sevens typically speaks in a brief, overly casual manner, and he will only break out into longer stories prefaced with "This reminds me of the time when..."   Sevens' primary targets are other criminals, but he occasionally steals from powerful people he doesn't like. He does not prefer to kill, and has a technique where he uses the wraps around his forelegs to choke someone into passing out for some time. When things become serious, his bangs shade his eyes into obscurity, his voice becomes more controlled, and his sentences are simple and blunt. Seemingly, he is a cold-blooded precision machine that could kill anyone that got too close, but he never does.   Sevens' motives seem simple-minded, he'll steal to buy something he thinks smells good, as he loves essential oils and fancy soaps. He'll sometimes exaggerate his fearsome reputation for a kick, but anyone who meets him would just think he's a dummy at first glance. However, he will randomly do kind things, and when asked for greater motives, they are always unclear, such as "I wanna bring peace to the world!" or "I'm gonna become the world's greatest thief."   When asked for a backstory, he'll give a really dumb and simple reason for his actions, and it always changes. At his core, Sevens cares deeply for everyone around him and doesn't want to bring harm to anyone, even if they're an enemy. However, this serious side is masked by an exterior of goofiness, and it's unclear if it's an act or just how he is.  


Sevens is a grey unicorn with white socks and a puffy, disorganized lavender mane. He is usually wearing black eyepaint, and his horn is notably small and usually hidden by his mane, causing most to think that he's an Earth Pony.  

Skills and Abilities

Sevens is a highly skilled infiltrator and con-pony. He's quick, slippery, and capable of incredible feats of endurance. Despite his stunted magical abilities, Sevens uses an arsenal of tools, trickery, and cantrips to battle enemies far above his weight class. He can evade danger by slipping through small spaces and can contort his body to an absurd extent. His hooves are incredibly nimble, and he can use them to disarm or disable his opponents.  


Triple was born in Astillon. His mother was a professor of divination, and his father was the captain of the Runeguard.   Triple wanted to be a magus like his father, but early in his life, it was discovered that he had a condition that made it so that he'd never be able to cast anything but cantrips.   He used to be Ping Wing's bully but eventually became his friend.   Triple still wanted to attend C.A.A.T.S., but he was expelled during his entrance exam after an incident. Triple fled before telling his parents in shame.   After running away, Triple fell in with a subfamily of The Jackals looking for The Deck of Many Things. Though you normally aren't allowed to leave the Jackals without getting killed for leaving, Triple was saved by Sarsaparilla Surprise and given another chance at life.   It was through Sarsaparilla that Triple met the Bannermanes and joined them as an apprentice.

Triple Sevens is a unicorn High Roller who wants to become the world's greatest thief.

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Early-Mid 20's
Date of Birth
Lashie 3rd, (2/3)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation