

>be me, Vitore the soon-to-be great adventurer   >fit catbird cock looking for some exciting adventures & chicks   >slightly nervous, though

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

-Feathery, grey frontside
-Hairy, brown-ish backside
-Fit overall

Body Features

-Bright yellow talons
-Grey-ish, brown-ish paws
-Long, cat-like tail
-Hawk wings

Facial Features

-Bright yellow beak with a black dot at the tip
-White-ish face feathers
-Black top with a large white streak

Apparel & Accessories

-Big, black, brooding cloak
-Spooky bandana with a cool S hidden tightly against his face
-Breastplate hidden underneath along with his garrote and gaff
Show spoiler
Dumb bird is wearing everything backwards

Mental characteristics

Personal history

>be me
>born to boring homestead with three other older siblings
>mom is nice, but dad is an flankhole
>Talks manure about non-farmers
>specially the 'hero wannabes'
>secretly been stashing cool hero mags
>mom knows, but she's cool with it so long as I don't use swear words
>Thanks mom
>really like this blue pegasus called Swiftsail
>mares fawn over him, overcomes enemies with style, exciting life
>overall an absolute chad
>decide to save up on my allowance to be as cool as him
>be me, now sixteen
>finally have 15 gold pieces on my name
>sneak out of house when dad's off on the fields
>siblings don't care. Mom pecks me on the cheek and wishes me luck.
>realize I forgot a map to find the cool adventurer store
>decide screw it, I can wing it
>wander towards where I think the shop is but there's nothing but desert for miles all around me
>realize I fucked up, but got so lost I can't tell where I am
>forced to walk aimlessly for hours, desperately trying to find anything that would lead me back to civilization
>the harsh sun continues shooting its laser beams of heat death at me at every step
>knees are heavy
>legs are sweaty
>vision is fuzzy
>In my stupor, realize I've been walking into something rather hard and smooth for a solid minute
>blink a bit
>It's a motherclucking scorpion
>its white scales were perfectly camouflaged by the sun and sand all around
>my mind panicks, but my body is too heavy to engage in a fight or flight response
>await the sting to finish me off but it never comes
>instead get my talon held by a pincer and dragged towards somewhere
>maybe it wants to drag me to its nest so it can eat me fresh with its friends
>still can't see well, so I have no idea where we're going in the sea of white and blue
>Suddenly feel my talon submerged in some sort of liquid
>immediately throw my face into it and gulp as much of the saving fluid as possible until I felt myself being dragged back by my tail
>No Way
>As my vision clears, I realize the scorpion actually stood by, as if waiting for something
>No Clucking Way
>With my strength returning, I soon gave scorpion fren a big hug as thanks
>It stiffened a little, but didn't try to force me off of it
>now with scorpion fren, easily get back to town
>freak out a few folks but finally get to cool adventure store
>find handy nature guide as well as some cool weapons, armor and pouch
>take it and wave excitedly at the bored stuff seller before going back to homestead to hide it away
>be me, now eighteen
>been training two years behind father's back
>mom gave me some spare scarecrows as dummies
>eldest bro also came by to help me out
>feel ready to finally venture out into the world and become an adventurer

Personality Characteristics


-Become an adventurer
-Meet Swift (best horse)
-Live life dangerously
-Woo all the females

Savvies & Ineptitudes

-Socially inept

Likes & Dislikes

--Good stuff
--Bad Stuff
-unwillingness to try out new things


Contacts & Relations


Family Ties

-Biggest bro
-Second biggest bro
-Middle sis

Social Aptitude


Fit, catbird farmer cock seeking out the ways to become his favorite role model. All he needs is some baddies to swash and some chicks to buckle. Unfortunately, he'll have to overcome his atrocious understanding of social interaction.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Farm lol
Current Residence
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Rules of Nature!"
  • "Hook, line and sinker!"
  • Known Languages