Wati Arc

WARNING:   "That's for me to know, and you to find out!"   This article contains spoilers for The Bannermanes, Episodes 39-70
  The Wati Arc is the 6th arc of The Bannermanes campaign. It continues from the Camp Weedhorse Arc and spans episodes 39 to 70.   The holy land of Wati has been taken over by a tyrannical Red Dragon named Heatfang and his army of kobolds. While brewing troubles from abroad take the attention of Mainstitch Amden, it's up to an assorted team of Bannermanes from different chapters to free the city.      



Prior to the Arc

Before the Wati Arc, Moon Planter had discovered that there was trouble in a city named Wati, due to a dragon named Heatfang. At the time, little more was known beyond this about the troubles in Wati, as the party was preoccupied.  

Prologue: Weldstone's Revenge

Episodes 39-41      
After visiting Camp Weedhorse, the party, accompanied by a friendly bronze dragon named Kaffe, makes their way back to Bleakburn. On the way, they encounter a flying serpent attacking a Bannermane. After the party defeats the monster, they learn that the Bannermane is an eccentric rogue named Triple Sevens, an apprentice of Sarsaparilla Surprise. Triple joins the party.
Sketch of the Sky Serpent battle. Swift Sail is nearly eaten.
  Sarsaparilla, ready for her vacation after her work in Camp Weedhorse is done, takes off and leaves the inexperienced Triple in her place.   Upon arriving at Bleakburn, the party finds that Dr. Amden is missing and therefore cannot pay them. Shabaka quickly deduces he is in Weldstone by psionically interrogating a coffee trader. He also is able to learn that the kirins Jinx and Misty were involved with organizing the kidnapping. Upon sharing this with the party, suspicions of their activity began to arise, ultimately denied by Cher, who believed them to still be under a geas she had been told they were put under during their impromptu marraige.    
The party arrives at Weldstone, where Mainstitch Karat of the Weldstone Bannermanes has kidnapped and tortured Dr. Amden, under the impression that he was responsible for sending out the party to take one of his slaves, then assault 3 of his own Bannermanes in the process, kidnapping Barqs among them. The party defeats Karat, as his subordinates, Kreepers and Clump, escape. Dr. Amden is saved. Upon his rescue, Barqs was appointed the new Mainstitch of Weldstone, and Amden wished to stay there to ensure a smooth transition to both allow the freeing of the Weldstone slaves, and to make peace with the citizens in the process, fearing that they might try and subdue the newly appointed Mainstitch from lack of understanding of the situation.   The party learns that another mysterious figure calling themselves "Number 5" was targeting Dr. Amden.
Battle with Karat. During the fight, Barqs, a Weldstone Bannermane, defects to the party's side
  While in Weldstone, they find a wandering druid named Sister Ash. She joins the party.  

Kaffee's Hubby

Episodes 42-43  
The party returns to Bleakburn. Then, they escort Kaffe, the bronze dragon, to her "Hubby." Suddenly, several young red dragons attack.   The party defeats them with the help of Kaffe and her husband. They learn that Heatfang is ordering young red dragons to attack the mountains where Kaffe's husband lives in order to start expanding his territory. The party realizes that Heatfang is not content in only capturing Wati and is becoming an increasingly dangerous threat. This solidifies the party's interest in defeating him and starts the arc's central conflict. In a twist of expectations, Hubby seemed relieved that the party had brought Kaffe to his lair. While normally he wouldn't have allowed it, he was more confident that he could rest easy knowing his second would be there to help him protect the territory, much to the assumed chagrin of Heatfang who did not know this to be the case going forward.
Kaffe and her husband fight some young red dragons. The party helps. During the battle Sister Ash uses her ягода исцеления (Good Berry) ability
  The captain of the party's airship refuses to fly any deeper into dragon territory, meaning any expedition to Wati will have to be done by hoof. Furthermore, Kaffee wishes to stay with her husband to help protect his hoard from any further attacks, leaving the Wati situation in the hooves of the Bannermanes.  

Beneath Weldstone

Episodes 44-47   The party sets up a portal between Dakalai and Bleakburn for Dr. Amden's teleportation project with the aide of The High Rollers. However, in doing so, the party expends much of their Aetherstone, which is needed to create portals. In search of more Aetherstone, they return to the now-abandoned mines beneath Weldstone to get some.  
The party encounters a ravener who seems to hold a grudge against Cher. The Party narrowly defeats it.
Battle with the ravener, which almost TPKs.
The party determines that the ravener is still dangerous and Tangent leads the ritual to send it away to the afterlife. Ord, who is carrying a bone from the corpse of the defeated ravener, goes beserk and attacks Cher. Cher uses her Dimensional Door ability to escape. The party takes the bone away from Ord, lifting its evil influence off of her.
Ord activating her Ataque de Yegua Molesta (Rage) ability
  Sister Ash uses her druidic powers to consult with Memory Mycenae (memory stealing mushrooms found in the mines) and learns that the ravener within the cave was the father of another who had betrayed him and left him ithin the cave to whither away. At the time of writing, it is still uncertain who this dragon was, but it has been confirmed to not be Heatfang, due to the dragon in the memories lacking Heatfang's iconic white-bellied scales.   The party acquires more Aetherstone after several more brief encounters and regroups for a drink and to share in the memories attained from the Memory Mycenae.  

Forwards to Wati

Episode 48  
The party sets off to Wati, initiallly hoping to rescue any Bannermanes stationed there to organize an attack in the future once they grow stronger. They reach the town of Leurbost to find it mostly empty besides two Bannermanes of the Leurbost branch. The party then sees three more young red dragons circling the town and helps the Leurbost Bannermanes defeat them with the aide of Fireheart's Dragon Form.   It is here that they meet Seelah, liberator champion and Mainstitch of the Leurbost Bannermanes . She offers her help on the condition they first evacuate the town, as the entire region is being devastated by attacks from young dragons and kobolds under the command of Heatfang. However, Seelah states that she is wary of an evil prescience somewhere within the party. She can detect evil beings with her Sense Evil ability, but not with perfect precision.
Fight with Young Red Dragons. Here the party meets Liberator Seelah, who can use the 悪者レーダー (Sense Evil) Ability


Episode 49  
The party begins to evacuate the citizens of Leurbost in wagons to get them to an area where it's safe for the airship to touch down and escort the refugees away. Kobolds assault them at every chance, displaying their famed hit-and-run tactics. During the battle, the mighty Ord endures dozens of arrow strikes and remains standing. After the fight had finished, two sisters from the refugee's had begun to run out of fear. It was assumed at that time that it was the sisters Jinx and Misty, though further questioning yielded that this was not the case. Once the refugees from Luerbost were able to meet up with the airship, they were flown off to Bleakburn for safety, given that other nearby settlements were beginning to fill up due to other commoners fleeing from the Holbeck area; something that seemed to have a different cause entirely. With not time to investigate that, however, the party proceeds back up to Luerbost. Back in the empty city, it is decided that some will need to stay back and keep guard over the city while the others make their way up to Wati. The party decides to take Seelah with them while Lem, Fireheart, annd other characters stay behind. Soon after, the expedition begins. It didn't take much longer before the party met with an encounter of several gleeful kobolds chasing an exhausted and frightened unicorn. Leaping into action, the party comes to her rescue. It is here that they meet the unicorn bard named Mona, who explains that she has a missing sister. Mona is evacuated with the others as the party presses forward to the mentioned kobold camp.
The Kobolds attacking the refugee convoy. Swift rushing to activate his 見せびらかす (Panache) ability. Cher using her 女性の家 (Cozy Cabin) spell

Ord and the Kobolds

Episodes 50-54
The party travels north and finds a kobold camp of Heatfang's army, which has taken a prisoner. This prisoner is Mona's sister, a pony bard named Lisa. Over the next few days, the party begins to skirmish with the kobolds, being subjected to an attack at night, as the kobolds exploit their numbers advantage. Seelah, being a liberator champion, refuses to move on until they rescue Lisa.
The First Kobold Camp
  In an attempted assault on the camp, Seelah, Sister Ash, and Shabaka are all downed and imprisoned by the kobolds.  
The party, now separated, must free their teammates from capture. Swift Sail convinces one of the Kobolds, Drunkle, to defect to their side after the kobold was kicked out from his camp. Swift then distracts the kobolds in the camp by flying over it and offering Aetherstone in exchange for Seelah's freedom. The deal nearly doesn't go through, as the kobolds cut off Seelah's tail halfway through to emphasize that if he doesn't want to take their deal, they only get part of the cat he was bargaining for.   Meanwhile, Triple and Drunkle sneak behind the camp and rescue Shabaka and Sister Ash. Sister Ash activates her dragon form to distract the kobolds as the others escape. Shabaka laments that the kobolds stole all his and Seelah's adventuring equipment.
Triple Sevens breaking out Shabaka and Sister Ash
  Determined to rescue Lisa and retrieve the equipment, the party plans a final assault on the camp. Due to Ord's hatred of magic, the party tricks her into hiding in a bag of holding while they approach the camp in a bubble of invisibility.   The battle starts unexpectedly, as one of the traps is set off early as Triple attempts to disarm it. The battle is overwhelmingly in the kobold's favor before Cher uses her Chain Lightning attack, frying several kobolds at once and achieving the highest recorded AoE damage in the entire campaign.   During the battle, Ord, furious from being tricked, refuses to accept any magical healing. She is knocked out and gets back up several times throughout the fight, becoming critically wounded.   The kobolds kill Drunkle in the fight.   Cher uses a Dimensional Door to escape from being surrounded by more kobolds.    
As the fight nears to a close, Ord manages to get back up one last time, on the brink of death. Finally exhausted, she begins to walk towards a tent for safety. It is then that she steps on a trap.   A final blow to Ord sends her to the ground, dooming the Antean to death. Once the fight is over, Cher celebrates her victory. The rest of the party surrounds Ord attempting to comfort her in her final moments. She is unable to ever be resurrected due to her superstitions of magic.
Ord's Death
  Ord breathes her final breath and becomes the second death in The Bannermanes campaign.  

Seelah's Anathema

Episode 55   A week passes. Most of the party is distraught after Ord's death while they wait for the airship to arrive to evacuate the now rescued Lisa, who spends her time with Triple.   Moon Planter encourages the party to press forward in Ord's memory. The party travels north, crossing a river. While waiting, Shabaka and Cher get into a music competition, to pass time. This alerts another camp of Heatfang's kobolds. This camp is holding many prisoners, a fact that enrages Seelah.  
Suddenly, a young Purrsian appears to be escaping the camp, Swift Sails rescues the Purrsian, bringing him back to the party's camp. As Tangent attempts to comfort the Purrsian, the Purrsian bursts into a fiery explosion, which the party dodges right in time. The party realizes that this was a trap by the kobolds, and in a rage assaults the camp. However, there are even more kobolds in this camp, and the attack fails spectacularly, almost killing Swift. The party is completely outnumbered and flees.   The party is in shambles, and begin to argue with Seelah. She insists that they must stay and free the prisoners. This is due to Seelah's dedication to her deity, who opposes the imprisonment of civilians. Cher jokes that if Seelah's diety truly did exist, it would never allow this to happen. Seelah, fed up with Cher's behavior, picks her up and dares her to say it again, realizing that the evil presence in the party is indeed Cher. Seelah's provocations are only stopped by Moon Planter, who spits at her paws, claims the behavior is unbecoming of a Mainstitch. In frustration, Seelah declares that she will leave and begins to walk away, pursued by Triple Sevens and Swift as it turns to night.
The prison camp
  Outside, Swift Sails stops Seelah and leaves her with Triple. Triple and Seelah sit by the river and talk about the situation. Triple reveals his past as an academy dropout and his guilt over failing to save Ord. He pleads for Seelah to look at the bigger picture of defeating Heatfang instead of focusing on every camp until. During this time, Triple and Seelah spot an odd-looking clockwork box with a metal pony inside.   Seelah eventually acquiesces, on the condition that they work to defeat Heatfang to free all the captured Purrsians in the land instead of waiting any longer, and the party moves forward.  

The Resistance and Sarsaparilla's Return

Episodes 56-57   The party continues up into the mountains where they may be hidden from other Kobold camps. Sister Ash encounters a bear and a bird, who both seem to be watching the area, and gives chase insisting that she wishes to speak with them. The bear nearly attacks her, but sees the party's Bannermane badges and leads them all to a cave.  
It is in this cave that the Bannermanes find The Resistance, a secret network of Bannermanes working to topple Heatfang and free any of the prisoners he is taking. They meet Mubarak , who was the master of the bear and the bird who led them here. They also meet the mysterious clockwork box from earlier, who is actually Madame Fortuna, a Bannermane from Golden Port who is working for The Resistance. She was able to escape the camp by pretending to be malfunctioning so the kobolds would throw her in the river. Both join the party.
Madame Fortuna and Mubarak  
The resistance hideout.
  The Resistance cell informs the party that there is a planned convoy of kobolds carrying prisoners going north nearby, and plan to attack. The party ambushes the convoy successfully, during which, Madame Fortuna displays her unfathomable and frightening psychic powers.  
In the attack, the party frees several civilians, as well as Wicker Wind and Balcony Blitz, a pair of deer Bannermanes who both join the party.   Wicker Wind is an Oracle who possesses a condition that causes plants to grow around him, which intensifies as he becomes more injured. Throughout the arc, he proves to be one of the most potent healers in the party.
(left) Wicker Wind, Oracle of Snippstone. (right) The party rescuing Wicker Wind and Balcony Blitz
  Sister Ash stays behind with The Resistance cell in the cave to tend after the orphaned children.   The reorganized party interrogates a captured kobold. Cher uses her Charm spell to trick the kobold into thinking she's an ally. The kobold reveals to her that no one can escape Wati, and no one can enter Wati unless they're a kobold caravan bringing prisoners and pillaged goods. Moon Planter formulates a plan to enter Wati in disguise using the cart they just attacked.  
As this is happening, someone appears in front of the cave. She reveals herself to be Sarsaparilla, who has finally returned to the party on a mission to aide The Resistance.
Sarsaparilla returning to her apprentice

Arrival at Wati

Episode 57-58
Now invigorated, the party presses forward. Cher magically disguises herself as a kobold bringing in a caravan of goods and prisoners and blends in with the other caravans. The others either disguise themselves as prisoners or hide inside barrels on the caravan.   On the way, the party finds dozens items bearing Aerillionian Bannermane symbols. These items were confiscated from prisoners the kobolds   The populace is in Wati are little more than prisoners. The party learns that Heatfang ordered for any defectors and citizens without special necklaces to have a unique number engraved on their flank. The party engraves the number markings into their flanks to blend in.   The recruited Resistance Bannermanes want to find Gyro, a captured inventor. Swift disguises himself as a kobold using one of the magical hats of disguise that they found, and summons Gyro by tricking the guards into thinking that Madame Fortuna is a machine that needs repairs. Gryo and the disguised Swift return to enter the city's ziggurat. It is here that Swift sees Heatfang for the first time, who has turned the ziggurat into a hoard. Inside the ziggurat are two stonified Sphinxes. Gyro returns to his cage.   Swift learns that the purpose of the numbers on every prisoner's flank is actually a queue system for the citizens and the hundreds of captured civilians from the region. When someone's number is called, they are summoned to Heatfang and eaten alive, which is the true purpose of the conquest of the entire region's populace. Swift then returns to the party.

Ping Wing

Episodes 58-59   The party searches the city. Eventually, Triple enters a store, asking the Purrsian store owner if an old childhood friend, Ping Wing, has ever visited. In a stroke of luck, Ping Wing, who was in that store, appears and greets Triple.  
Ping Wing joins the party and leads them to a secret base which he was using to make the magical items they found earlier. Ping Wing tells the party that he was on an academic expedition to the holy city and tried to stop Heatfang's initial assault. However, he failed and had to go into hiding because Shen, Wati Mainstitch of The Guardians of the Departed, was turned to stone and one of the two stone statues in Heatfang's hoard. The party wishes to open a secret teleportation circle between Wati and Bleakburn to restock and inform Dr. Amden of the situation. However, they learn that several magic types are disabled in the city, including teleportation magic. Furthermore, they lack the proper casters who can perform the magic needed to open a teleportation circle.   Ping Wing tells the party that when Heatfang invaded, the kobolds were ordered to focus the crystaline power sources in each of the four pyramids to block certain types of magic. This was done by cleverly manipulating the magic flowing through the city's ley line. This was an effort to prevent information from leaving the city and the reason why he himself couldn't open a circle.   Ping Wing informs the party that the secret base they were in was once a tomb for Queen Amenta, one of the original Bannermanes. A golem sphinx stops Cher, as it recognizes her evil alignment, and refuses to let her in. The party meets several of The Resistance's leaders, including a darker furred female Purrsian who squares up with Cher to abrasively level with her about her own taunting.
Flashback to Ping Wing attempting to defend Wati from Heatfang's forces.  
One of the Resistance Hideouts. This one being a tomb for Queen Amenta

The Death Pyramid and The Hounds of Time

Episodes 59-60  
The party proceeds with Ping Wing into the first pyramid to stop the magic blocking teleportation spells. Thankfully, the no kobolds are currently present inside, as they are hesitant to re-enter the pyramids.   After searching the murky waters surrounding the necropolis, the party finds an underwater entrance in the lake to the first pyramid and enters it with Ping Wing as Seelah stays behind to guard the safehouse.
Exploring the dark Death Pyramid
As the party explores the pyramid they hear barking. Then they hear an unseen voice say "God dammit, not again!" Suddenly, Hounds of Tindalos, dogs from the plane of time, attack the party.   The party defeats the hounds and enters a room with a Construct Key on the ground. Swift takes it.     The remainder of the pyramid proves dangerous, filled with mummies, spiders, and cursed items, one of which almost kills Wicker before it gets pulled off of him. Throughout the pyramid, the party also finds a part of a ritual circle used for sealing The Four Horrors along with a vision of the past of another set of adventurers going down into what seemed to be a room with 4 arcane seals. They also find artifacts of Semitone, one of the original Bannermanes.
A Hound of Tindalos  
The Party becoming sickened after Madame Fortuna uses her Più Arti (Grisly Growths) attack
    Eventually, the party finds the first crystal, which is manipulating the ley line to stop teleportation magic. Ping Wing and Cher disable the magic blocker. Every caster in the party feels a tingle up their spine. Suddenly, the party hears Heatfang climbing onto the side of the pyramid, who has realized one of the magic blockers have been disabled. This confirms he is an arcane dragon.   When the crystal is taken out, one of the four bands carved into the great doors of the necropolis to begin to glow.   The party narrowly escapes as Heatfang rages.  

The Trade Offer

Episode 61   Upon returning to the hideout to regroup, the party encounters a disguised A Pimp Named Buckback and two pink Kobolds that Swift saw earlier when exploring the city. Who has been missing for dozens of episodes.   The party learns more concretely that A Pimp Named Buckback's lieutenants: Jinx and Misty kidnapped Dr. Amden. A Pimp Named Buckback was also in control of the mysterious Number 5, as all of his lieutenants are numbered.   A Pimp Named Buckback corners the party in one of the hideouts and offers a deal, a deal that must be sealed by magical Geas. He says that in exchange for him not telling the guards about the resistance, the party must never pursue him again, and he must get half of the treasure when the party defeats Heatfang. He also adds that he will never interfere with the party again.  
"I require half of that scaled mothafucka's hoard once you Banners have so kindly disposed of him to replace the assets you have so unkindly destroyed from my enterprise. I wont even take any of the extra. Hell, Ill just take the amount in gold coins so that you... (gestures) can be the heros that deliver the stolen family heirlooms of the city back to their rightful owners. After that, I require that you take your sorry mothafuckin' asses out of my business. You are to not fuck with my assets or my practices any longer, and, of course... get rid of that bounty I know your friend Planter there holds over my head. Very kind of him not to print that out, by the way... In return, I will not fuck with YOU and your own business. No more assassins, no more problems. I don't make enemies. Enemies are bad for business, dig? And our scaled friend need not know anything at all of your little... hideout... A win win overall" ~A Pimp Named Buckback's deal
    The kirins Jinx and Misty return (who are listed as A Pimp Named Buckback's Number 3 and Number 4) were with him, and it is revealed one of them (Jinx) was disguised as the abrasive Purrsians from earlier, and both of them were acting as Kobold dancers at Scales and Tails. Cher reunites with them but learns that they never had any sort of interest in her. Furthermore, the kirins were high-level clerics of Kara. Cher's revealed attempts to magically torture them in their sleep were ineffective and seen as amateurish. As revenge, Jinx and Misty force a detail onto the geas: make Cher read an apology they wrote for her to Dr. Amden. This is the first time the party is clued in on Cher's attempt at evil acts.  
Sarsaparilla is able to convince A Pimp Named Buckback to also cancel all her exceedingly high gambling debts, finally freeing her from the criminal underworld's grasp.   The party begrudgingly agrees to the terms of the deal and creates a teleportation circle to a much more empty Bleakburn with the help of Ping Wing, Jinx, and Misty.   Dr. Amden is completely overwhelmed by strange occurrences in the area. Furthermore, many citizens are leaving the city for Basin Sage, as the town's council is concerned that The Four Horrors may have returned and there was now the fear that there was a possibility of Morlog attacking the capitol again. Because of this, he says that he cannot offer the party any help. The party also learns that Duk has been applying to be a Bannermane, and leaves the decision to recruit her to the party.   The party returns to Wati. The next day, a distraught Cher leaves the group using a final Dimensional Door now that the teleportation blocker is disabled.
Dramatic rendition of Moon Planter considering whether to take the trade offer and let A Pimp Named Buckback run free from his crimes

The Filtration System Pyramid

Episodes 61-63, 66  
A Pimp Named Buckback informs the party that there is an entrance to a pyramid responsible for Wati's filtration which is currently having technical issues from the discarded items the kobolds would take from the citizens. Despite no one in the group being an inventor, they determine that freeing Gyro right now would be too difficult. Therefore, the party enters the pyramid in secret with Ping Wing.   Unlike the first pyramid which is dedicated to burial, this pyramid is a giant filtration center. It is filled with clockwork machines and robots built by Crucible, one of the original Bannermanes. They eventually find a room with a device that transforms items for bettor for worse.
The party entering the Filtration System
Battle with the Clockworks
  While resting in the pyramid for the night, Grot appears. She says that she was hunting for A Pimp Named Buckback, and rejoins the party after being convinced by Moon Planter using a moldy piece of chicken.  
Sarsaparilla and Swift return to the party the next morning. Swift's fur has become radiant and shiny. Sarsaparilla reveals that Swift entered the transformation device after his hat fell in and was transformed into a crystal pony.
Swift Sail's new look.
The party presses forward. Tangent wanders into a room, before being attacked by a black pudding as well as several clockwork guards. The party defeats the monsters, and Tangent displays her new Regenerate ability. During the battle, Madame Fortuna uses a time spell which accidentally summons more Hounds of Tindalos that the party must defeat.
  After more rest, the party finds the pyramid's crystal, and Swift uses the Construct Key from earlier to add himself and Moon Planter as authorized serviceponies. This construct key is identified to have been belonging to Crucible, one of the Original Bannermanes. While exploring this pyramid, the party also finds a partial formula to build another Construct Key. Upon returning to the center during this second rest, the party gets a second view into the past of what seems to be Ping Wing, Shen, some of the other Guardians of the Departed, and two new characters known as Zakira and Damian. The scene took place atop the ziggurat, and seemed to be a tense confrontation, ending with Danian's and Zakira's escape from the conflict.   The party deactivates a magic blocker, but Heatfang can sense it and becomes enraged, the party hearing his voice booming throughout the city. A platoon of kobolds attacks the pyramid. Swift adds the entire party as authorized users before activating the filtration system pyramid's security system to aid in fighting the kobolds off.   The party re-screws the crystal back temporarily to make it appear like, which satisfies Heatfang for a time. The party uses the Construct Key to descend further into a passage to the Forge Pyramid. It is later learned that for a brief moment when the crystal was unscrewed, another one of the four band on the necropolis had begun to glow.  

The Forge Pyramid

Episode 67  
The party continues to the Forge Pyramid, which is guarded by golems who are targetting a mysterious female grey kirin. The party comes to her defense, starting the battle. While this is happening, the pyramid's molten baths are rising dangerously, indicating a potential meltdown.   Moon Planter rushes around the pyramid, accidentally activating several golems at once.   Triple pushes one of the golems into a pit. He then sneaks into the control room and begins to investigate the controls to try to prevent a meltdown event.
The party entering the Forge Pyramid and seeing a mysterious kirin being targeted by golems
Swift Swift defeats a giant volcano monster that almost crushes the new kirin, instead dropping it on Ping Wing in a fantastic act of Panache.   The party finishes all the golems off and regroups in the control room. They manage to prevent the meltdown by fixing the controls. In this process, Grot, Moon Planter, and the new kirin enter into a trash compacting room by mistake, and the golem that Triple pushed into the pit earlier returns, having climbed out, and begins to activate the trash compactor with the three still inside. The party narrowly defeats the golem in time to free their trapped allies.   The party introduces themselves to the mysterious kirin, who is named Electra. She claims to have been a service worker tasked fixing the pyramids, and reveals herself to be a Wimborne Bannermane, but Swift is unable to recognize her.   The party also meets an extremely tiny griffon who stays with going by the name "Pushpin". This is actually Thumbtack.
Swift Defeating the volcanic monster  
Electra the Kirin and "Pushpin" (Thumbtack) the tiny Griffon
  The expanded party returns to the safe house, and Tangent uses her Regenerate ability to restore Seelah's tail, who joins the party as Ping Wing takes off for Dakalai to craft magic equipment for the party.  

The Energy Pyramid's Mysterious Visitor

Episodes 68-69
The party enters the fourth and final pyramid. It is responsible for power generation. It is also beginning to malfunction. Not too far into exploring the pyramid, they encounter an odd blue mare, who seems to have been expecting them. This mare is Ivory Drop, and she assists the party as they get to work fixing the final pyramid.
The energy pyramid
  The party finds a "Dropper", a device which looks identical to a Snippstone Drop Box that is currently locked that belongs to the enigmatic Ivory Drop. During the exploration of the pyramid, Ivory Drops mentions the Dropper several times to Electra. She reveals that she had lost.  
Upon repairing the energy pyramid, every crystal is destroyed, and the four bands of the necropolis begin to glow, releasing the spirits from within onto the city.   The party's casters feel that all types of magic are allowed again. The final ley line blockers are removed. Heatfang also feels this and begins to angrily attack the pyramid, attempting to enter as his army of kobolds begins to assault the insides. Swift commands the constructs in the filtration system to hold off the kobolds and buy them some time, activating the pyramid's most powerful defenses, also known as "Threat Level 10".   The party begins to Thumbtack reappears hiding in Swift 's bag with the Construct Key. It turns out that this was the key to the Dropper.
Madame Fortuna, Swift Sail, Moon Planter and Sarsaparilla running through the pyramids as the kobolds assault it.
  The party is split as it scrambles around the pyramid, but Ivory Drop gets ahold of the construct key and uses it to enter her Dropper. She uses it transport herself around the pyramids and round the party up as the kobolds continue to attempt their entry.  
With every ley line blocker disabled and Heatfang and his army preoccupied with storming the pyramids, the party realizes now is the time to carry out their attack. A wave of holy energy washes over the party, making them feel fully rested. Memories from the fallen Ord wash over them.
Ivory Drop telling the party to get into the "Droppa".

Fated Confrontation with Heatfang

Episode 70   The party's casters begin to use Sending to notify Ping Wing and Jinx and Misty that they are going to attack the ziggurat. They arrive, and Ivory Drop begins to lower the ziggurat's magical defenses. Hoards of kobolds begin to assault them. Meanwhile, the spirits of the city appear in the distance.   Just when it looks like the party may be surrounded by Heatfang's forces, Ping Wing, Dr. Amden, Grot, Tabu, A Pimp Named Buckback, and the other resistance forces appear as they start to hold off the many kobolds surrounding the ziggurat.  
The party enters the ziggurat, taking to the sides and encountering Heatfang's hoardkeepers, the most elite and dangerous kobolds of all. Heatfang returns and taunts the party as they fight their way towards his hoard room. During the fight, Madame Fortuna uses another time spell and accidentally summons an entire pack of Hounds of Tindalos. The hounds attack both the party and the kobolds and show the party painful memories from their past.
The party assaulting the ziggurat, where Thumbtack uses his タックアタック (Tack Attack)
After defeating the kobolds and hounds in the hallway, the party enters the hoard. Heatfang kills a random Short Straw who suddenly appears and attempts to take him head-on and the final battle begins. Sarsaparilla attacks Heatfang from a distance using an ice crossbow that Ping Wing gave her. Moon Planter engages Krend, the leader of the hoardkeepers. Mubarak and Seelah go straight up to Heatfang and engage two of his most powerful hoardkeepers. The other elite hoardkeepers attack the rest of the party.
The party confronting Heatfang in his hoard
  Swift leaps over the Kobold that attempts to engage with him and rushes for Heatfang, using his rapier to incapacitate the dragon. The kobolds realize that their dragon is defeated, and attempt to escape before the party cuts them down. The day is won.  


Episode 70   After the battle, the party sits in the ziggurat and reminiscences about their journey as the few surviving kobolds begin to scatter into the mountains and alleyways, terrified and leaderless. The clouds over Wati disperse, revealing a perfect sunset on the ocean.   Dr. Amden and Tabu enter the ziggurat after dispatching with the last of the kobolds in the streets.  
Swift, Seelah, Moon Planter, and Mubarak stand triumphant in victory over the body of Heatfang, who mumbles something about a "brother" before Madame Fortuna kicks him and he falls unconscious again. Heatfang dies.   Wicker Wind, Shabaka, and Tangent recover from the battle. Gyro, still in his cage, waits impatiently to be freed (which doesn't happen until a few hours later).   Sarsaparilla, mostly satisfied with Triple's performance in her absence, promotes him by giving him his numbers, officially completing his training. She then exits the ziggurat to find and thank Buckback for giving her life back and embraces him. Buckback, though bewildered, appreciates the party's work, and gives them all luxury passes to a resort in Bellmare as a reward.
Heatfang defeated
  Ivory Drop, Thumbtack, and Electra confide with each other, and it is revealed that they are all from the future. Ivory Drop realizes that the only way for the events that have just transpired to occur is for Swift to find the Construct Key in the Pyramid of Death, so they must go back in time to plant the key. This is why the party heard "God dammit, not again!" and encountered the Hounds of Tindalos when they first found the Construct Key. It was Ivory Drop the whole time. Ivory Drop and Electra plant the key one and return to the party once more. Ivory Drop also realizes that they are now trapped and cannot return to the future without the key, which is now stuck in a time loop.   The Wati Arc comes to a close, with the holy city finally liberated.  


  • The Wati Arc is the longest arc of the Bannermanes.
  • From episodes 39 to 70, 96 in-game days occur, and only 13 of those days are actually spent in Wati on screen.