Wicker Wind

Wicker Wind

Life can be funny sometimes. Wicker Wind has had his curse for as long as he could remember, but he never referred to it as such. After all, how could something that helps spread life and vitality be called a 'curse'? Though he stays chipper, Wicker Wind often struggles with the curse he was given and the reality of life itself and does feel like somewhat of an outcast at times. The ever present flow of life energy from him is impossible to hide, and sometimes he wears a large brown cloak to help blend in better.   He found a home in Snippstone among the Luminance dragons and the mail academy, as a linguist he helps to translate and direct packages when needed while playing his own important part in the ever so busy holidays!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wicker Wind is thin and lithe as most non-elk ruminants are. He is thin and

Body Features

His tail, chest, and fetlocks are all grown out, his mane is not well kept either.

Apparel & Accessories

Wicker Wind often prances about in a heavy brown cloak that helps conceal when his curse is showing.

Mental characteristics


Wicker Wind graduated near the top of his class at the academy in Snippstone.


As a result of graduating from the academy, Wicker Wind was granted the right to enlist as a Bannermane in Snippstone's branch.


Contacts & Relations

He considers Balcony Blitz as a good friend, though making friends isn't typically an issue for this Ruminant.

A lively young holiday ruminant that looks to spread joy across the land by delivering parcels. Wicker lives in high spirits while living with a curse handed to him by the Gods, but no curse can get this deer down!

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
5, 12. The 12th Day of Inferno
Current Residence
Known Languages
Wicker Wind works to help translate in Snippstone. He currently speaks Auran, Common, Draconic, Necril, Sphinx, Sylvan, and Ruminant.