

Knowledge is power, but only if you know how to use it, and Ysfena most certainly does not. Ask her about the ingredients to obscure dishes, the movements of the stars, the history behind the current practices of some culture, and she's like to know it all, but what good is information like that for an adventurer? Always sifting through the unusable amount of knowledge her curse bestows upon her, Ysfena's head often seems to be in the clouds, and her body on autopilot, but if you can get her to focus, she may prove to be actually useful. Just remember to not leave small items unattended around her. Not because she'll steal them, but because bite marks likely aren't what you want to find on your book the next time you find it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Somewhat shorter than your average pony, and a bit rounder and more 'sturdy' looking, Ysfena is a rather average cloven, at least physically.

Facial Features

Strangely shaped pupils sit in a puddle of amber, framed by a dark coloration that marks her entire upper face. It's hard to tell if it's paint or just natural markings, unlike the horns that curl beneath her ears. Clearly natural.

Physical quirks

Goat pupils are considered very unusual, and it's rather uncomfortable to look into them, as it almost feels as if she's looking to either side of you.

Apparel & Accessories

Dressed in layers of cozy looking cloth that practically scream she's from far away, she looks as if she'd be at home in very cold climates. Minor embellishements, from rough fringes on the edges of fabrics, to simple embroidery, gives her outfit a slightly 'fancier' feeling than it actually is.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born under a full moon and at the foot of the cloven's 'Peak of Enlightenment', Ysfena was struck with an oracular curse that would permanently alter her perception of reality. With snippets of knowledge from other's minds frequently flooding into hers, she always struggled with knowing what *she* knew, and what *others* knew, but with her tribe's penchant for fortune telling and star reading, she found a solution practically falling into her lap. These insights into the minds of others, and to the world at large, allowed her to tell fortunes with ease, giving her a comfortable outlet to pour her curse into. However, rather than feeding the desire for knowledge, innate in every creature, the curse only showed her how little she truly knew, spurring her to try her hoof at roaming more than just the rocky mountains of her home. Unfortunately for her, knowledge does not equal experience, and her general airheaded nature, amplified by her curse constantly overloading her mind, only led her to trouble.   One thing led to another, and in following her own fortune, and a general desire to explore the world, Ysfena found herself trying to join the foremost adventuring group in Astillon, the Bannermanes. Unfortunately for her, the whole 'curse' and 'being completely unable to focus' thing meant that her trial ended with her accidentally wandering off from the group she was meant to be traveling with, climbing a nearby mountain, and getting stuck on a cliff a few hundred feet up, where the group she was initially meant to be *with* found her staring at some crude paintings plastered on the stone. Considering that her trial ended with her having to be rescued from her own wandering mind, she was promptly denied. Despite the poor turn of events, though, a new card, emblazoned with a strange 'S' somehow wormed its way into her harrow deck without her knowing, and as the third card drawn, she knew she had to trust in her curse and follow where her instincts led her...


If it wants to kiss, why not?


Having lived her childhood as a nomad, Ysfena's education was limited to what her tribe could tell her, which, considering their propensity for roaming the mountains, and interacting with the peoples around them, was quite a bit. However, much of her knowledge comes from her curse, most of it involuntarily learned.


While the Followers of Fate are not exactly meant to accept payment for telling fortunes, the same cannot be said about taking money for the performances they put on during said fortune tellings.

Mental Trauma

Some facts are better left unlearned. Some things are better left buried. Things like 'what are rocky mountain oysters made out of?' It's not oysters.

Morality & Philosophy

With her thirst for knowledge, Ysfena also found an intense appreciation for the varied cultures of the world. While some might spurn the customs of others, Ysfena does her best to try to understand and respect the same customs. Though, unusually, this extends even to things like 'live sacrifice' and 'worshipping evil gods'. Perhaps another reason she wasn't allowed into the Bannermanes.


Ysfena could never stand by and watch knowledge be destroyed or obscured, if she hasn't learned it.   Similarly, she will never hide the truth of a fortune, if she reads it, she will tell it. Good or bad. Even if they're sometimes inaccurate.

Personality Characteristics


Learn everything, become enlightened, become immortal, live in a spooky giant library somewhere mysterious, be the wise, all-knowing goat she's always wanted to be. Knowledge for knowledge's sake, and enjoy it all along the way.

Likes & Dislikes

Kofta, om ali, fattah, and many more dishes. Despite her mountainous origins, the foods of the desert call to her stomach. Unfortunately, the temperature does not. She also loves anything that can keep her mind focused for a time, as such she is naturally drawn to strange or mysterious individuals.   'Plictisitor' dishes. Things without spices, without flavor. This goes for places and ponies, too.

Virtues & Personality perks

Honesty, and kindness. Ysfena may be flippant and not-always-there, but despite it all, she does her best to be sweet to others. Usually.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ysfena eats things she really shouldn't, quite often. Shiny stones, wrappings, tasty looking bugs... Just watch your things around her. And don't let her pick up things with her mouth, she'll end up chewing on them.

Personality Quirks

With the knowledge of a hundred superstitions, Ysfena often struggles to determine which ones are worth following, and so her outfit is decorated with many odd symbols and trinkets, and her bag filled with just as many. She often fiddles with them in her spare time, when she's not shuffling and playing with her deck of cards.


In the mountains, water is always plentiful, as the snow-tipped peaks provide, and she has never been comfortable smelling 'bad'. However, warmer climates make her sweat more than she can handle, even with her clothing stripped.


Family Ties

Her family still lives among the mountains, though with miles between herself and them, contact is unlikely, but leaving to travel the world is not an uncommon thing among her people.

Religious Views

Spiritually and religiously, Ysfena follows things from a distance, always ready to accept a change in perspective.


Romanian. Gypsy. The vampire accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Quite poor, as vagrancy does not pay well.

Born into a clan of nomadic cloven, Ysfena is quite used to never setting down roots, her profession further encouraging vagrancy, as an inaccurate, or simply unhappy, fortune told oft draws the ire of those she offers her skills to.

View Character Profile
The mountains of the Edge Realm
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
idfk what's goat height
goat weight (probably kinda heavy)