
The Great Stone City of Arkenfel was once the seat of power in the Hinterlands, home to a line of kings extending several centuries. Around three hundred ago, it began to fall in decline. Histories speak of the wilds east of the city extending its influence ever closer, and marauding Orcs, Goblins, Giants, and other monsters from the mountains making it more and more difficult to carve out a civilized life in the area. The greatest blow to the city's greatness came with its involvement in the Wars of the Westerlands, leaving the city ripe for destruction at the hands of the Shadow Lord around two centuries ago, leaving it an undead infested ruin. The Shadow Lord was eventually struck down by the Ordo Balerus, but the city itself remained in its undead state until the recent actions of a group of adventurers broke the curse upon the city. Eager to establish another base of strength in the region, the adventurers were granted a fiefdom of the area, and already droves of adventurous settlers are leaving the crowded streets of Stormhaven in the hopes of starting a better life on this new frontier.  


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