
The city of Stormhaven sits on the western edge of The Hinterlands in western Astora, and is the seat of power for the Nation of Stormhaven. Mountains and forest surround the small valley in which it lies, with only a few small mountain passes providing access to the region. Possessing the only navigable port for hundreds of miles in each direction, Stormhaven also serves as a trade hub for much of the western continent.  

City of Adventure

As a city founded by adventurers, Stormhaven has always as a policy been quite friendly and accommodating to those in the profession. Its reputation as such has led it to gain a near mythological reputation throughout the continent as the holy land for those seeking a life of adventure. Guilds are set up to help newcomers get their feet under them and build up a successful career, as others exist to prey on the swathes of young, naive visitors that flock here seeking fame and fortune. Most locals within the city walls see the benefit these people bring and live up to their accommodating reputation, while most of those without see them as more nuisance than help, and take a more sour approach.


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