Augmented Companion

Augmented companions have suffered an injury, such as the loss of a wing, and parts of their bodies have been replaced by a master construct crafter. This procedure grants them unusual abilities.

Not Quite Animal

The DC to use Handle Animal on an augmented companion is 5 higher, as if it were a nonanimal with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.

Augmented Body (Ex)

An augmented companion heals only half as much as normal from positive energy healing effects but also heals half the usual amount from effects that specifically heal Constructs.

Augmented Sight (Ex)

An augmented companion gains Low-Light Vision and Darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
  This replaces share spells.

Constructed Form (Ex)

At 6th level, an augmented companion gains a +4 Morale Bonus on Fortitude saves against effects that could not normally affect objects or Constructs, and it takes only half damage from Bleed effects. However, it can be affected by attacks that specifically target Constructs.
  This replaces devotion.


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