Bird, Gaint Owl - Animal Companion

Unlike the magical beast of the same name, this owl is a mundane but unusually large specimen of its kind, with powerful wings and deadly talons.

Bird, Gaint Owl

Animal Companion


Size: Medium
Speed: 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor Class: +2 natural armor
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 6 (-2)
Attack: 2 talons (1d4)
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision

7th-Level Advancement

Size: Large
Armor Class: +2 natural armor
Attack: 2 talons (1d6)
Ability Score Enhancement:
Special Attacks: Rend (2 talons, 1d6)
Special Qualities Racial Skill Modifiers: +4 Stealth


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