Blissful Spell

The absolute peace of Nirvana infuses your spells, giving pause to foes and granting boldness to allies.


You can alter any spell that targets a single creature to become a Blissful Spell, although the exact effects of the metamagic vary depending on whether the spell is beneficial or offensive. A creature successfully hit by an offensive Blissful Spell (if the spell requires an attack roll) or that fails its saving throw against an offensive Blissful Spell takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls for 1 round. A beneficial Blissful Spell instead grants affected creatures a +2 Morale Bonus on skill checks and saving throws for 1 round in addition to its normal effects. A Blissful Spell gains the good descriptor, and the additional effect is a mind-affecting Compulsion effect. A Blissful Spell uses a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell's normal spell level. Spells with the evil descriptor can't be blissful spells.

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