Body Hardening

Body hardening is the art of building up the body to become near supernaturally tough and resistant. Swimming under the ice of frozen lakes, chopping wood with bare hands until they bleed, and fasting in the wilderness until coming close to death are all possible aspects of training for one learning the ways of body hardening. While the effort is monumental, the results speak for themselves. Once unlocked, these powers become inherent to the character, and are always in effect.  

Stone Ox (Ex)

Practitioners sit under waterfalls, take punches and kicks from fellow students, and otherwise beat down their bodies so they come back ever tougher.
  Gain DR 2/-, and a +2 Inherent Bonus bonus to Constitution.

Kamgeiko and Shochu Geiko (Ex)

Winter and summer training, Kamgeiko and Shochu Geiko consists of hiking through frozen mountains near naked, swimming in frozen over lakes, spending days practicing martial arts on the edge of active volcanoes, and otherwise training yourself to ignore and tolerate extreme heat and cold.
  Gain a +2 Inherent Bonus to Constitution, one additional hit point each level, Cold Resistance 5, and Fire Resistance 5.

Kanshu, Iron Hand (Ex)

Hands are plunged into barrels of rice, then sand, then pebbles, until they are toughened to the point of striking like iron.
  Gain +2 damage on all punches, a +2 Inherent Bonus to Strength, and a +2 to Strength checks to break items using your fists.

Chi Gung (Su)

Part physical training, part mystical art, Chi Gung allows a practitioner to channel their chi to toughen their skin so blades cannot cut it and arrows cannot pierce it.
  Gain the Chi Gung power. Activate as a Swift Action to increase your Natural Armor Bonus by half your level (rounding down, minimum 1). Costs 1 Chi each round it is active.

Dam Sum Sing (Ex)

Combination strength and endurance building, Dam Sum Sing sees practitioners repeatedly striking each other with full power strikes and blocks to build strength and resistance.
  Gain a +2 Inherent Bonus to Constitution and Strength

Wrist Hardening (Ex)

Often one of the weakest points in the body, these special exercises build them up to aid practitioners in grappling.
  Gain a +4 bonus to CMD and a +2 Inherent Bonus to Strength.

Chagi, Kick Practice (Ex)

Intense practice that develops the flexibility to do splits, kick straight over one's head, mid jump, while landing back on one's feet.
  Gain a +1 bonus to hit on all kicks, a +5 Inherent Bonus to speed, and a +2 Inherent Bonus to Strength.

Control Revulsion (Ex)

The character's training consists of being exposed to the most horrible, graphic, and disgusting sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures that the trainer can imagine. The character develops a certain, shall we say, resistance, to horror, as repeated exposure desensitizes them.
  Gain a +4 bonus to saves against effects that cause ], ], ], ], or ], as well as a +2 Inherent Bonus to Constitution.

Laugh at Pain (Ex)

Characters are conditioned to equate pain with humor. Gradually larger and larger needles are inserted in more and more painful parts of the character's body. When properly trained the character will be able to pull pieces of broken glass out of their own flesh while chuckling and cracking jokes. Not that it doesn't hurt anymore — it certainly does — it's just the character learns to laugh and joke about it, something that can prove useful when attempting to impress or intimidate someone.
  Gain a +6 bonus to Intimidate when demonstrating a resistance to pain and suffering, and a +2 Inherent Bonus to Constitution.


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