
There is a special form of energy that flows through the realms and infuses its inhabitants. All living beings possess this energy, but a select few have found various ways of harnessing and channeling it, giving form and name to it. The Monks of mainland Astora call it Ki, while those from Shan Dao call it Chi, though the true masters of its power name it Psionics. For the purposes of this article, any reference to Chi references to all of these terms.   As all living creatures possess some form and amount of Chi, all characters that do not gain a form of Chi from another source are considered to possess 1 Chi that is replenished after each long rest. This Chi does not stack with any form of Chi gained from another ability, and a character who possesses multiple forms of Chi cannot use them interchangeably. If a character possessing multiple forms of Chi were made to lose Chi, whether by the power of another or through some external effect, they may choose from which pool to lose it.


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