Charm Domain

You can baffle and befuddle foes with a touch or a smile, and your beauty and grace are divine.  

Granted Powers

Dazing Touch (): You can cause a living creature to become Dazed for 1 round as a melee Touch Attack. Creatures with more Hit Dice than your Cleric level are unaffected. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.   Charming Smile (): At 8th level, you can cast Charm Person as a Swift Action, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your Cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. You can only have one creature charmed in this way at a time. The total number of rounds of this effect per day is equal to your Cleric level. The rounds do not need to be consecutive, and you can dismiss the Charm at any time as a Free Action. Each attempt to use this ability consumes 1 round of its duration, whether or not the creature succeeds on its save to resist the effect.  

Domain Spells

1st—Charm Person, 2nd—Calm Emotions, 3rd—Suggestion, 4th—Heroism, 5th—Charm Monster, 6th—Geas/Quest, 7th—Insanity, 8th—Demand, 9th—Dominate Monster.  


Subdomains are more focused than domains, replacing some of the domain's spells and powers with new ones. Subdomains may be chosen in place of a domain if the character is eligible for it.  


Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the charming smile power of the charm domain.   Entrancing Aura (Su): At 8th level, you can emit an imperceptible 30-foot Aura Of Distraction as a Standard Action for a number of rounds equal to your Cleric level.   These rounds need not be consecutive. Enemies within this aura take a –5 penalty on Perception checks and are treated as though they had 2 fewer Hit Dice (minimum 1 Hit Die) for the purpose of your effects that would give them the Fascinated condition. At 16th level, they are instead treated as if they had 3 fewer Hit Dice for such effects.  

Replacement Domain Spells

1st—Hypnotism, 2nd—Hypnotic Pattern, 4th—Rainbow Pattern.    


Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the dazing touch power of the charm domain.   Adoration (Su): As an Immediate Action, you can attempt to thwart a melee or Ranged Attack that targets you. This ability functions as Sanctuary, but only against one individual attack. You must use the ability after the attack is declared but before the roll is made. The creature attacking you receives a Will Save to negate this effect. If a creature has more than one attack, this ability only affects one of the attacks. You can use the ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.  

Replacement Domain Spells

2nd—Enthrall, 8th—Euphoric Tranquility.    


Replacement Power

The following granted power replaces the charming smile power of the charm domain.   Anything to Please (Su): At 8th level, you can compel a creature within 30 feet to attempt to please you as a Standard Action. The creature receives a Will Save to negate this affect. If the save fails, the creature attacks your enemies for 1 round, gives you its most valuable item, or drops Prone at your feet and grovels for 1d4 rounds (GM’s choice). You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th. This is a mind-affecting effect.  

Replacement Domain Spells

2nd—Touch of Idiocy, 4th—Confusion.


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