Chi Mastery

Everyone has Chi, yet only a select few understand how to use the power of their Chi. These chi powers allow a practitioner to manifest their chi into various supernatural abilities. Once unlocked, Chi Mastery powers can be used in any form. A practitioner may only use one chi ability each round.  

Chi-atsu, Chi Healing (Su)

Healing oneself with Chi involves channeling positive Chi into the wounds of the body. Doing so can close wounds, staunch bleeding, and cure other transient trauma.
  Spend 1 point of Chi as an attack action to heal 1d8 hit points.

Fu Zhensong, Dragon Chi (Su)

Fu Zhensong allows a practitioner to tap into the dynamic Chi of the world. Doing so allows them to channel Chi in the environment around them rather than using their own reserve. How effective this ability is depends on how saturated the area is in positive Chi. Areas with no Chi or negative Chi have nothing from which the practitioner can draw upon, whereas areas rich in positive Chi provide a near boundless source of energy to be used. Areas of nature provide a strong presence of positive Chi: forests, jungles, healthy grasslands, and swamps. Active natural phenomena, such as waterfalls, volcanoes, and oceanfront regions with active surf are also strong sources of positive Chi. Places devoid of nature or natural activity like deserts, cities, and underground caverns have little to no Chi, and defiled places are often saturated with negative Chi.
  Activate as a Standard Action to use Chi from your surroundings to activate abilities requiring Chi. The maximum Chi of an area is determined by the DM, and once activated you can draw upon this Chi for one round per level, or until it is depleted.

Kokyu, Body Chi (Su)

Kokyu is the ability to focus Chi into one's body to directly influence it's attributes. While such effects are temporary, they can also be quite potent.
  Activate as a Swift Action to gain an Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The cost is 1 Chi per 2 points boost, up to a maximum of 5 Chi for a +10. The bonus can be divided amongst attributes as desired, and lasts 1 round per 2 character levels (minimum 1 round).

Shi Jin, Hardened Chi (Su)

Shi Jin is the spending of Chi to physically harden parts of the body that are subjected to heavy forces. Fists and feet may be hardened as they connect with an opponent, or a point on the body may be hardened just in time to deflect a blow striking it. This power is nearly reflexive, taking no mental effort on the part of the practitioner to enact beyond the expenditure of their Chi energy.
  In response to a successful attack against you, or a successful Unarmed Attack against an opponent, you may spend up to 2 Chi to increase (for your attack) or decrease (for your opponent's attack) the damage by 4 per point of Chi spent. This ability must be declared after the hit is confirmed, but before damage is rolled. Damage added to your attacks is not multiplied in the case of a critical hit.

Find Weakness (Su)

By focusing Chi on an opponent or Object, a practitioner can "feel" out inherent weaknesses and soft points. While this ability requires active Concentration to enact, no Chi is expended in the effort (though the practitioner must have at least 1 Chi point left in reserve to use this ability). This ability also requires continuous Concentration on an enemy to maintain; engaging another enemy in combat ends the effects of this power.
  Sacrifice all attacks in a round to focus on an enemy in close range. Gain a +2 to hit and damage on all strikes against that enemy for the remainder of the combat. Increases to +4 at 5th level, +6 at 10th level, +8 at 15th level, and +10 at 20th level. Must have at least 1 Chi point to activate, and the bonus is lost if you attack another enemy (attacks that hit both your target and one or more other enemies do not end the effect).

Project Strike (Su)

By channeling Chi through the body as a strike is made, the force of that strike can be made to flow briefly through the astral plane before returning to the material at a place of the practitioner's choosing. The result of this is a melee strike that is able to hit a distant foe.
  Spend 1 Chi as part of an unarmed strike to make the attack on an enemy within close range.

Radiate Chi (Su)

A trained practitioner can channel Chi through their eyes in the form of brilliant light. The light acts as a bullseye lantern, directing light as bright as daylight in whatever direction the practitioner is looking. This light does not interfere with the practitioner's vision, and provides bright illumination for everything they see, as well as adversely effecting those susceptible to daylight.
  As a Free Action, you can spend 1 Chi to emit bright light originating from your eyes in a 60 ft. cone. Creatures within 30 ft. who are caught in the cone are effected as though exposed to actual sunlight, save that it cannot cause damage to them or destroy them outright. Lasts 1 round per level, and can be deactivated as a Free Action.

Divert Chi (Su)

By "grounding" a layer of Chi on the outer surface of one's body, a practitioner can divert incoming Chi energy harmlessly into the ground. This grounding effect only lasts so long as at least one foot remains planted on the ground; leaping, running, or performing jump kicks will end this protection. A skilled practitioner can also ground up to two others with this effect as well, though they must also remain planted on the ground to receive the protection.
  Activate as a Swift Action to gain Power Resistance equal to 10 plus your character level. You are considered flat footed and cannot use any move that would require both feet to leave the ground without ending the effect, and must pay 1 Chi per round to maintain the effect. You may ground up to two adjacent allies as well, provided they remain adjacent to you, observe the same restrictions, and you spend an additional 1 Chi per ally so protected.

Karumi-Jutsu (Su)

Karumi-Jutsu is the control of gravity on one's body. By channeling Chi, a practitioner can reduce the effect of gravity and act as though they weigh significantly less than normal. This power requires a level of Concentration that cannot be maintained while engaged in combat, and thus cannot be maintained in those cases.
  Activate to reduce your effective body weight by 85%. Effective fall distances are quartered (treat any fall as 25% of the actual fall distance), Acrobatics checks made to jump are multiplied by 5, and Climb check results are multiplied by 5. This ability costs 2 Chi to activate, and can be maintained so long as you concentrate on it. While concentrating, you can move normally (including running, jumping, and climbing), but taking any other significant action or engaging in combat will end the effect.


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