Combat Tricks

Combat tricks are extra abilities paired with many combat feats that allow you to temporarily boost the effectiveness of that feat. Combat tricks are only available to characters with a Stamina pool, whether from a class feature, or the Combat Stamina feat.   During combat, you can spend Stamina points from your stamina pool to perform a combat trick, the specific effects of which are dictated by a combat feat you possess. Spending stamina points in this way is not an action, but you can’t do so if you are Unconscious, Fatigued, or Exhausted. You can use as many combat tricks on the same action or attack as you like (as long as you have the stamina points to spend), but you can’t use the same combat trick twice within its scope. For instance, if you have a combat trick that affects a single attack, you can’t use that combat trick more than once on the same attack.


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