Dallah Thaun

Dallah Thaun is the dark twin of Yondalla, who acts from the shadows to protect and avenge halflings, as well as to help them towards prosperity and mischief. She is also responsible for guiding the souls of halflings to the afterlife. As an aspect of Yondalla, she is both separate yet the same being, and her existence is kept utterly secret from those outside of the halfling community.



She took the form of a beautiful halfling woman with long black hair and dark eyes, dressed in all black with a hood over her face as she tossed a gold coin in her hands.


Dallah Thaun is eternally mischievous and opportunistic, and encourages the same behaviors in her followers. She is an enthusiastic liar and thief, but does not condone harming others purely for personal gain. Instead, she is vengeful in the extreme, going to any lengths necessary to avenge the harms done to halflings under her watch.


Potential servants of Dallah Thaun were chosen by the clergy of both her church and Yondalla's. After identifying likely halflings that would do best in the Lady's service, senior clerics would covertly monitor and train them, sending them on missions and giving them opportunities to test their skills. As much training as possible would be done without the recruit realizing that they were being trained or recruited, but at the moment of realization they could freely choose to serve Dallah Thaun or not.
  The devotees of Dallah Thaun undertook missions that ranged from stealing from the inordinately wealthy, to the protection of vulnerable halflings, to revenge against those that had wronged the community. They used their skills and blessings to spy on and slay those that were deemed threats to halflings, and delighted in stealing from those who were undeserving of their prosperity and power.
  Prayers to the Lady of Mystery typically sounded like rambling trains of thought, idle wishes from daydreams, or the person talking to themselves as they worked through a problem.


Temples and shrines to Yondalla usually incorporated a shrine to the Lady of Mystery as well, hidden behind a false wall, moving panel, or other means of disguise. Her clerics also celebrated and attended the same holy days and rites as Yondalla's clergy, but their other duties were more distinct. They blessed the undertaking of risks great and small, gambles and plans that were pulled off successfully, newly acquired fortunes that might easily be lost again, and the tools one might use to perform larcenous deeds.


The Lady of Mystery shared the same love of the halfling race as Yondalla, and the twins were in perfect harmony as they worked towards aiding them. Rather than coming into conflict from their opposite natures, they instead complemented each other's weaknesses and strengths. The gods and mortals outside of Yondalla's family were utterly unaware of Dallah Thaun's existence, which was exactly how she liked it.


When the world and the people on it were being created by the gods, Yondalla traveled about and stole some essence from the newly made elves, dwarves, orcs, and humans. From this she made the first halflings, but the other gods were angry with her for committing crimes against their favored creations, and demanded punishment. First, they ruled that, unlike the other races who could lay claim to the lands of the world, the halflings would be dependent on the kindness and goodwill of others, having no domain of their own.
  Next, they demanded that she remove her own thieving nature so that she might never steal from them again, and Yondalla complied. She split off the part of herself that contained all of her deceitful and secretive tendencies, and all of her desires for vengeance and larceny, leaving herself pure and virtuous. Satisfied with the outcome, the gods left Yondalla, but they did not notice the dark twin hidden in her shadow, Dallah Thaun.
  The Lady of Mystery accompanied Yondalla from that day, always present yet never seen.

Dallah Thaun

Intermediate deity

Basic Information

The Lady of Mystery



Chaotic Neutral

A purse of gold coins


Halflings, Secrets, Guile, Thieves, Rogues, Acquisition Of Wealth, Death

Favored Weapon




Chaos (-)
Knowledge (Espionage)
Luck (Curse)
Trickery (Deception, Espionage, Greed, Thievery)



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