Empty Quiver Style

(Style, Combat)
You can fight in melee with your bow, crossbow, or firearm.


Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon.


While using this style, you can make melee attacks with the chosen weapon as if it were a heavy mace (or a light mace for Melee Attack made with a hand crossbow), though you don't automatically threaten the area around you as if you were wielding a melee weapon. You can switch between melee and ranged attacks with this weapon without penalty, even during the same round. In addition, you ignore the Elf prerequisite for the Stabbing Shot feat. If you have the Stabbing Shot feat, you can use it with a crossbow, substituting a loaded bolt for an arrow.


In addition to the chosen weapon, a character with this feat and the weapon training (bows or crossbows) class feature can use Empty Quiver Style with any bow or crossbow respectively.