
You dream of discovering new vistas.


You must have crossed at least 30 miles of wilderness without map or guide.


You can provide twice as much food and water for other people when attempting a Survival check to get along in the wild. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (geography) checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in Knowledge (geography), increase your bonus to +4.


Cross through a dangerous place without a map or a guide knowledgeable about the area, stopping for no longer than 16 hours at a time, and along the way overcome an appropriate number of natural hazards, obstacles, and/or enemies, at least one of which must qualify as a challenging foe.

Completion Benefit

You and one ally per 3 ranks of Survival can move overland without being slowed by difficult terrain (allies must remain within 30 feet of you to be affected). Once per day, you can make a preternaturally accurate estimate regarding your path, as if you had cast find the path on yourself (caster level equals your character level).

Required For