Giant Vendetta

Your life has been shaped by an encounter with giants.


You must have been knocked unconscious in an encounter with a challenging giant foe or have a regional background trait tied to giants (such as those presented in this section).


Choose one kind of giant (such as hill or stone you must choose a kind of giant that allows you to qualify for this feat. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against giants of that kind. You also gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (local) checks regarding giants of that kind and can attempt those Knowledge checks untrained. In addition, you gain a +1 Dodge Bonus to AC against all giants.


Defeat a giant of the chosen kind that is a challenging foe.

Completion Benefit

You gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks when facing a giant of any kind, which increases to +2 against giants of the selected kind. Whenever you defeat a giant of any kind that is a challenging foe, the benefits of this feat that apply only to a specific kind of giant now also apply to giants of the kind you defeated.

Required For