Gloom Sight Goggles

Alchemical Tool
Price: 200 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Construction: Craft (alchemy) DC 25


These nonmagical goggles are set with a piece of alchemically treated, black, obsidianlike stone found in the mountainous regions of the Shadowfell. Gloom sight goggles interact with the unique eyes of fetchlings in such a way that when the goggles are worn over both eyes, they expand the range of a Fetchling's Darkvision to 90 feet, but the Fetchling also gains the light sensitivity weakness. Other races cannot see through the lenses of these goggles, and they have no affect on fetchlings whose eyes have been modified by the Gloom Sight feat. Though they are alchemical rather than magical in nature, these goggles take up the magic item eye slot.


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