Greater Penetrating Strike

Your attacks penetrate the defenses of most foes.


Penetrating Strike, Weapon Focus, 16th-level Fighter.


Your attacks made with weapons selected with Weapon Focus ignore up to 10 points of Damage Reduction. This amount is reduced to 5 points for Damage Reduction without a type (such as DR 10/-).

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  When you use a weapon with which you have Weapon Focus to damage a creature that has Damage Reduction, you can spend 5 Stamina points to allow all your allies within 30 feet to ignore 10 points of that creature’s Damage Reduction for 1 round. This amount is reduced to 5 points for Damage Reduction without a type (such as DR 10/—). This effect does not stack with Greater Penetrating Strike’s normal effect, but it does allow you to apply the effect to all your other weapons for the duration.

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