
You recruit a professional groom to care for your mount.


Character level 4th.


This feat is similar to the Leadership feat, with several exceptions to note. You can attract only a 1st-level cohort (referred to hereafter as a Groom) with this feat, and cannot recruit followers of his own. You determine your Leadership score according to the rules presented in the Leadership feat , but your Groom is always at least 3 levels lower than your level. A Groom can take levels in Bard, Fighter, or Ranger. A Groom can't multiclass, though he can take any archetype for which he qualifies. A Groom finds the best place to stable and conceal your mount and the mounts of up to five allies while you and your allies are elsewhere. A Groom adds half his level (minimum 1) to Stealth checks when concealing himself and any mounts that are left in his care. A Groom also gains the ability to speak with animals as a supernatural ability, but he can use this ability only with horses, riding dogs, and other mounts of the animal type. If a Groom gains enough XP to bring him to 2 levels lower than your level, he doesn't gain the new level until you gain your next level; until you advance, his XP total remains 1 less than the amount needed to attain the next level. If you release your Groom from service or otherwise lose your Groom, you can recruit a new one. At 7th level, you can swap this feat for the Leadership feat.

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