Haunted Gnome Assault

(Race, Combat)
Discharging your disturbing glamer as you strike a telling blow, you haunt a foe with lingering fear.


Charisma 13, Gnome magic racial trait, Haunted Gnome, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks.


You gain one use of your Gnome magic that is independent of your Gnome magic spell-like abilities. When you wish to cast a Gnome magic spell-like ability for which you have no daily uses remaining, you can expend this independent use to do so. Further, while you are under the effect of haunted fey aspect, you can discharge that spell as a Free Action after you hit an opponent with a Charge attack or score a critical hit against an opponent. If you do, that opponent becomes Shaken for 1 round.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  When you hit an opponent with a Charge attack or confirm a critical hit, you can spend 2 Stamina points to make the target of the attack Shaken for 1 round without discharging haunted fey aspect.

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