Holy Concordance of Cormath

Theocracy along the Eastern coast of Astora. Ruled predominantly by the Order of the Golden Dragon, templars of Torm, along with a strong clerical order worshipping the Triad (Tyr, Ilmater, and Torm). Small but heavily militarized nation at constant odds with the Pativans, who nearly surround them, and in a loose alliance with the Alternum Confederation. Strong maritime tradition for its size, but cannot compete with Pativan dominance of the lakes and rivers that run across their borders. Only nation in Astora with a high dragonborn population (roughly 60% of the population). Little is known about its origin, save that a massive fleet of ships carrying dragonborn (their first appearance on the continent) made landfall there sometime around 1,000 BCR and claimed the land as their own. Where they came from or why they came to be there is a secret that died with those that first emigrated, resulting in one of the great mysteries of Astora. What is known is that on landing, they dismantled their ships and used the materials to begin construction of (capital city name?), and thus established the nation of Cormath. Despite initial hostility from surrounding nations (primarily Mulhorand and Alternia), they quickly proved themselves to be an honorable, trustworth, and reliable neighbor, and forged strong relationships. The Order of the Golden Dragon arose around 700 BCR, and by 500 BCR had become the de-facto rulers of the nation, taking on its current moniker of The Holy Concordance of Cormath.


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