Holy Water Assault

You have found new and effective uses for holy water in combating the undead.


Base attack bonus +1, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks.


In addition to holy water's normal uses, you can use holy water to create a variety of other effects, which are listed below. To use holy water in a particular way, you must meet the additional requirements of that effect, such as a particular feat, ranks in a specific skill, or the ability to cast a certain spell (specified after the effect's name). Unless otherwise specified, using any of these abilities consumes one vial of holy water.
  Blinding Water (Improved Precise Shot): By uttering a short prayer as Swift Action, you can empower a vial of holy water with Blinding Light. If you successfully throw that vial of holy water and land a direct hit against an undead creature by the end of your next turn, the target takes damage from the holy water as normal and also becomes Blinded (Reflex DC 13 negates blindness). This even affects creatures that do not have eyes such as skeletons, but not creatures that don't rely on vision.
  Concentrate Holy Water (Craft [alchemy] 4 ranks): Through alchemical processes, you can refine multiple doses of holy water into a single hyperpotent dose. To do so, you must possess two or more flasks of holy water and you must succeed at a Craft (alchemy) check that takes 10 minutes of uninterrupted time. The DC of the Craft (alchemy) check is equal to 15 + 2 x the number of doses of holy water you are combining. For example, combining three flasks of holy water would require a successful DC 21 Craft (alchemy) check. Success means you combine all of the doses into a single concentrated flask of holy water. If you fail the check by 4 or less, the distillation process failed and must be tried again. If you fail the check by 5 or more, the distillation process failed and all of the doses of holy water are wasted. The maximum number of doses of holy water you can combine is equal to half the number of ranks you possess in Craft (alchemy). A direct hit with a flask of concentrated holy water deals 2d4 points of damage + 2 points of damage x the number of doses of holy water used to an undead creature or an evil outsider. Undead creatures and evil outsiders within 5 feet of where the flask hits take 1 point of damage + 1 point of damage x the number of doses of holy water used. For example, a flask of concentrated holy water made of 3 doses of holy water would deal 2d4+6 points of damage on a direct hit, and 4 points of damage to undead creatures and evil outsiders within 5 feet of the target.
  Healing Glyph (ability to cast glyph of warding): You can replace the diamond material component in a glyph of warding spell with a vial of holy water. When you do so, you must place a spell glyph containing a conjuration (healing) spell of 3rd level or lower, which can be designed to benefit allies or harm undead.
  Healing Water (Heal 5 ranks): You can use holy water for curative purposes. When you pour a vial of holy water over your hands, you gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks to perform first aid, treat wounds, treat poison, or treat disease in the next hour. Additionally, once per day you can drink a vial of holy water to Heal yourself of 1d8 points of damage.
  Holy Circle (ability to cast magic circle against evil): You can replace the silver material component of a magic circle against evil spell with a vial of holy water. When you do so, the duration of the spell increases 20 minutes per level instead of 10 minutes, and the Spellcraft DC to add a special diagram to the circle is 15 instead of 20.
  Holy Water Splash (Point-Blank Shot): When you throw a flask of holy water, creatures in the area of the holy water's splash radius take 1 additional point of damage as long as they are within 30 feet of you. This ability does not stack with other effects that increase the damage dealt to creatures within the splash radius of holy water, such as the concentrate holy water ability of this feat or the empower holy water spell.

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