Impaling Critical

(Critical, Combat)
Your critical hits can skewer your foes.


Critical Focus, Weapon Specialization with selected piercing melee weapon, base attack bonus +11.


Whenever you score a critical hit with the selected piercing melee weapon, you can impale your opponent on your weapon. While your opponent is impaled in this way, each time he starts his turn, you deal damage equal to your weapon's damage dice plus the extra damage dice from your weapon's properties. As an Immediate Action, you can pull your weapon out of your opponent. If your opponent is ever outside your reach, you must spend a Free Action to let go of your weapon or pull it out of him. Your opponent can also spend a Move Action to pull your weapon out. When the weapon comes out, your opponent takes damage as if starting his turn impaled. While you impale your opponent with your weapon, you cannot use it to attack, and you must hold on to it.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  When you impale a foe with this feat, you can spend 5 Stamina points to make the weapon require a Standard Action to remove (rather than a Move Action).